Paint and cleaning advice wanted!


Ex. Club Member
Right, after fitting my new bits, it's showing up the rest of my car!

Firstly, I have a problem with 'orange peel' on my wings, what can i do to try and sort this?

As for cleaning, I'm looking at getting some decent washing stuff, and some clay, wax etc.. What would you lot recommend, and what process should i use when cleaning it? wash-clay-wax? Anything else you'd add to the process?

Cheers :)
With the orange peel on the wings use very fine wet and dry sandpaper and be gentle expecially on edges. then t-cut over them.

like MM says 1200 grit or finer wet-n-dry and avoid any corners, or you,ll break thro the paint, then G3 compound, then t cut
Just wet and dried, then t-cutted the wings..

They've gone really dull, and look worse than before.. Help?
Could be worth a try at least..

Still need to wash the rest of the car.. Might leave it til tomorrow now, give the whole thing a good polish.

if you can still see the w+d scratches, you need to polish them out with G3 compound, coz t cut is a very fine compound (for final polishing)
mate, buy my smooth boot and get a respray ;)

but seriously, i would have it done professionally. i have had such problems with painting things myself, that it ends up costing twice as much.

how are you spraying it? with an air brush or a spray can?
I haven't sprayed it, Kristian did, but had a very orange peely effect. This has now gone, but so has the wings shine..

Wax hasn't made much difference :(
Just spent the day washing the car.. still not much luck with the wings, but they're a bit better than they were..

-wet and dried them,
-cutting compund
-couple of waxes

Still not shiny :mad:

Here's a pic, not the best, but best i could do to picture it!
Left side is door, right is wing, i was using my shoes to show how poor the reflection is on the wings..


Any other ideas?
daft question but have you washed the wings between each stage...just incase youve got cutting compound residue being brought back into the final polishing...and you are using different cloths for each stage arent you?

id put on a layer of polish and let it sit then polish and you should be able to get the shine back, it might just take you some time :)
Yeah i washed between each, Pee'ing me off now cuz I've got the surface so smooth!

Someone suggested that I'd taken the laquer off when sanding.. Meaning to get the shine back they'd need re-laquering?
nah id reckon it wont have been lacquered (though possibly ask kristian) keep polishing :D

Edit: In fact if it was lacquered youd have probably seen when you went through it. :)
When i sanded it was red on the sandpaper straight away, so i assume it wasn't lacquered , as it wouldn't have worn through to the red that quickly..

Polish it is, what would you recommend using?
I've got some turtle gloss wax (bottle), same stuff as a solid in a tin, and some meguires wax..

My arms are still aching from yesterdays clean though lol.
yeah deffo just onto paint then :)

I normally just use what ive got / find in the garage tbh...which last time was Mer, Meguiars and some other cutting compound that i cant remember the name .

The Meguiars 3 step system (paint cleaner etc) on dull paint gives a crazy shine...i always find the turtle wax spray (again cant remember which one ive used, lol) is loads of effort to buff off...

im not suprised your arms are ######ed lol it'll be worth it though, once its all done it'll take no effort to keep it that way :)
I've got cutting compound, I'll give that another go, and try picking up something else at work over the weekend i guess. Sell a few meguiars products so hopefully find something that'l do the trick, I'll keep you posted, cheers!
if trying the cutting compound again, dont put any real pressure on it (probably what youre already doing)...let it do the work just so you dont remove to much paint :)

the polish youve got, if you like it...keep using it, down to personal preference really...

When i did my grill i think that was cut and polished about 8 times or so till i got the look and feel i was after...but then thats alot smaller than wings :)

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