My worst enemy!


Ex Super S Owner
The MINI Roundabout, grr

Yes some of you may laugh but I have good reason! I was telling Guy and Harlen this story at Santa Pod.

Theres me travelling at about 60mph along a country road Wheb suddenley round a bend a mini roundabout but one of those that is more of a hill. (there were no road signs warning of the roundabout or anything) Anyway I slammed on the brakes but hit it just under 50mph went a couple of feet in the air and landed the otherside of the roundabout.(which is alright because thats where i wanted to go):p As you know my micra is seriously lowered and when i landed a felt like the car was gonna snap in half! :doh: (the guys face in the car in front was priceless he was thinking what a nutter) but anyway its safe and sound and I made it to santa pod in good condition to race! I was also a bit more aware of it on the way back due to the road being straight and the roundabout being sign posted!

It made me laugh afterwards because I was paranoid about my car breaking at santa Pod and theres me almost breaking it before I got there. :glare:


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The worst is when they change it over night. One day its not there and the next day is. You driving the same route every day and all of the sudden big white blob in middle of the friking road fwn and they expect you to give the way. Im with you on this one.
Had to laugh at this one lol a micra gettin air...classic
I do feel for ya though, by mine they have changed the speed limit of a dual carrageway to 40 overnight! Proper discusted!
The worst is when they change it over night. One day its not there and the next day is. You driving the same route every day and all of the sudden big white blob in middle of the friking road fwn and they expect you to give the way. Im with you on this one.

Its the same with pot holes, they just suddenly appear out of nowhere!
Imp - it's the speed they can dissappear tht amazes me. I wrecked my front passenger side alloy on a pothole in Salford. I went back the next morning with the camera and they'd filled it in grr! Cost me £198.
i`ll have to try and get a video of my route to work for you guys to laugh at sometime i go down a roughly 5 mile stretch of road that the council are currently resurfacing however after 3 weeks in one direction i have 5 miles of raised ironworks and in the other direction roughly 3.5 miles but it`s growing each day they work on it :)

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