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My "moddedmicra" K11 Super S Blog!

Good luck with the MOT. Going with the secondary cat and then your normal performance manifold? It should pass if the cat is hot enough. Mine has for the past 2 years :)

Nah I'm wacking the whole lot back on, as the only way to refit the second cat was to gring and drill the snapped bolts or just weld it onto the stock down pipe, so we did the second as it was less hastle.

ermm, why remove the rev limiter? :S

cause we were bored at ISTS in the evening so we needed something to do :p
Got the crappy standard manifold, cats and downpipe back on now :( its so bloody quiet!
And I found a crack running round the bottom flange on my stainless manifold :doh: so I'll have to get that tig'd before i refit it grr
Thought i would post a couple of pics of standard vs my manifold and downpipe, you can see how restrictive it is :eek:

you should see the standard manifold with its cat removed (have a spare one in my shed) the hole is oval is is roughly about an inch and a half big lol...mega restrictive!
nicely plumbed in there.

does you exhaust sound loud n like a rally car as ive got a simler set upto yours but mines 421 and it sounds too loud almost like a vibrating sound
yes it does sound very loud, some would say too loud :wasntme: lol
What is the rest of your exhaust as mine is all custom straight through.
Well the car failed it MOT today :(
On rear brake pipe, exhaust hanger and front sidelight colour. So not too bad.
Brake pipe and hanger has been done and sidelights changed and it is having its parcial retest in the morning.
Well the car failed it MOT today :(
On rear brake pipe, exhaust hanger and front sidelight colour. So not too bad.
Brake pipe and hanger has been done and sidelights changed and it is having its parcial retest in the morning.

did you do manage to do it on your own? good luck on retest.
did you do manage to do it on your own? good luck on retest.

I did sidelights, as i just had to take the leds out. would have done the rest but i want the car back so I just got them to sort it, funny how the mount will come off again when the ss exhaust goes on lol
yer i think so, its probably cause my bulbs have a blue filter on to make them more white so it was shining off that.


Mine failed on the near side rear brakes couple of months ago, so i know how rubbish it is not having your own car for a few days....

so nice one on passing second time round :)
No worries :)

could you have a quick look at my blog and anwer the question i posted in there to save hijacking your blog?

lol sorry to be cheeky :)

Well it's different, don't think they look bright enough personally, try and get another pic tonight to see if there is a difference. Congratulations on your passing the MOT though.
Yep good news on the MOT. I will say however that the 1.3 K11 should be able to pass with a Janspeed 4-2-1 and cat back exhaust, with just the secondary cat in place.

Mine has for the past 2 years :)
yer but to put the centre cat back on would have meant drilling the studs out, instead i just welded it to the down pipe. lol

you know its easy to steal the wind deflectors which means the led's too lol

well i don't particularly want eather going missing!
there not very bright/seeable in the wind deflectors by the looks of it? there not that common in the mirrors. look better in the mirrors IMO.
yer they are more visable than my tinted side repeaters and they passed MOT. and pretty much every car cumming out of the factory has them in the wing mirrors nowadays.
"pretty much every car cumming out of the factory has them in the wing mirrors nowadays"

I think he may have meant on Micras mate
I don't care how they mean it, i mean that side repeaters in wingmirrors is common, side repeaters behind wind deflectors...well i've never seen it before
I was acutally looking into the leds that fit under and shine so the would glow as side repeaters.

"I don't care how they mean it"

Was just explaining what was written...

yer i understood what they meant i was just saying i think they are too common in general.
yea joe you come up with some mad ideas mate how have your wind deflectors stayed up mine keep on falling down and have your windows ever snapped out of the clips that attatch to the runners as mine have snapped out again even when i used epoxy resin and i think it has something to do with the deflectors the mettle clip

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