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My "moddedmicra" K11 Super S Blog!

velcro ;)

Just had a quote for £130 to tint the rear windsreen and rear pop-outs. :devil: Why does it have to be 3 weeks to next pay :glare:
The side rear windows should be easy enough to do yourself...(says the guy whos never even tried it :) ) might save you some money though if you can...saying that id expect the boot hatch to be the most expensive part of the job.
not a chance i'm trying it myself! I did on the K10 and it came out rubbish and took me about 3 atempts! At least with this i get a guarantee.
well when i get the paint sorted on me car i will be back to washing mine every sunday its hard keeping white wheels clean lol
Dude ya know the central locking is it hard to fit, and do you get much instruction with it lol
oh and the car is HOT!

and christ what is your insurance like on that beast!?
Nah its not too bad to fit. when fitting the actuators I used a pic from smidges micra blog to give me a guide.
And insurance is about £1200 quid all mods declared with 1 years no claims.
arr k cool, you dont by any chance no where i can find a guide or any threads on installng a rev counter? ive been lookin all morning with no look!
cheers mark
its not difficult, red wire - 12v+, black wire - earth, green wire - negative on coil/dizzy or i think you can pick it up on ecu,not sure as super s comes with one.
Cars looking good modded! When you fitting that spoiler? Ive got one now! And just fitted it with the wide arches :glance:
it has an amp on the back but no port

Mine sounds the same as yours then Nex. I have no port either. I know mine is the FLI Trap 12 (II) as opposed to the original if that makes a difference to anything.

Ive fitted a 12volt socket but i wired it in live (vire fuse) as that way you don't have to turn ignition on too run things.
love the car keep going JP

don't want my battery going dead thought!

it has an amp on the back but no port. i think this calls for a sound off! :D

bring it on :p Although i'm having problems with it switching off from time to time atm? :glare:
cheers, should have the nismo spoiler on soon, as soon as i can afford another can of colour match paint!

Just bought a set of wind deflectors aswell :D
Put on new decals:


Fitted wind deflectors:



And also have this coming soon :D:

Mine and my girlfriend's mum's car, i keep trying to mod it but she wont let me :(
There the same wind deflectors as mine i think! Cars coming along nicely mate! when you fiting that nismo spoiler? Lol.
lol they are, i saw you on the purchasers list of the listing (well guessing it was you anyway, the name was something about k10s :p) I'll hopefully be getting paint after thursday next week when i get paid, it'll be on after that :p
yer thats the one, jim_bling and antony_halfords had aslo bought some :p

err, tinted windows and fitting the stuff i've already got is planned :p
and i'm buying a new crossmember and slam panel to fit at my dad's hopefully.

i thought of you, when i saw that "p" reg black one in a yard, a tailgate with a spoiler and (factory) dark green tint and nismo graphics.
but the o/s r/1/4 glass had gone, and they had sat another car on the spoiler :glare:
nor can i!
Just ordered one of the ECUTalk reader jobbies and 1 of my rear lights is broke grr must have been a stone as there is a whole piece missing out of it :( Ordered a new one though :D
nor can i!
Just ordered one of the ECUTalk reader jobbies and 1 of my rear lights is broke grr must have been a stone as there is a whole piece missing out of it :( Ordered a new one though :D

yer there awesome and man that sucks big time just starting my blog now lol!
not much in it yet tho
who cares how much is in it mate! Every blog on here interests me, even with a small budget etc you can make a car look pretty awesome!
should be done now ish? post up some pics cant wait to see lol, i always check ure blog im hooked easy one of the best cars on here :)

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