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MY little red celebration.


Standard celebration same interior everything next to my broken pile of poo.



one of about three cars in the entire car park haha.
so the outters don't have cir clips but the inners do... Make your mind up Nissan.
Time to acquire some Cir clip pliers.
WHY ME!!! ####ing pooing ####ting gaying grrraghhh....
Excuse my french, i went to my local mcdonalds today, met up with some car friends all laid in to me for the micra yada yada.
Now the "fun" bit I pulled away and there was a very very loud crack and my gearstick flew backwards nearly breaking my wrist.
Turns out, the rear Gearbox mount bolt has managed to snap a large bit of the bell housing off andf is no longer "Bolting"
Gearbox is currently sat on the cross member being held by the gear selector.
Just drove 5 miles in first then called for rescue...
I assumed that much, she will probably be sorn and i'll be buying a heap for a daily then making her he car she deserves to be.
a good yank! drain the oil first otherwise it gets messy!.....

i do it by removing the shaft from the hub by undoing the lower suspension bolts and removing it from the hub, and then a good yank and they should (fingers crossed) come out no probs
Well today sitting on my drive instead of the micra there is a 1994 mk3 astra merit... Goodbye poorly car.
GOD NO! Its just on standby while i get some money, the astra cost less than a gearbox so i cant complain, its solid aswell!
Ha ha it was close, the traffic was so so horrible on the way home.
Gearbox is ready to go on just got to get the old one off now.
Well the old box is ready to be dropped in the light tomorrow then pictures of the damage will be up.
Right its in! Works! Celebration for the celebration!

Heres the damage too the old one.



And the new one before going in, with my starter motor and speedo drive fitted.


Get some of the car when i can move her about a bit.
That hole in the top of the box that we made was where the speedo drive used to be haha so i had to re-use mine.
Got her started took her for a drive it felt so good!
Few little niggles to sort out.

Now i get a judder at speeds above 60? Any suggestions wheel bearings and cv joints are ok, track rods are brand new.
good news

i was getting a viberation at speed took wheels of clean'd hub wheel contact points the vibe disapear'd,, worth a go
Frank you are as you already know a genius, off side inner joint is kaput, getting some new boots for my old shafts and putting them on.
Again i forgot to take pictures but i got the car sorted today, took the old driveshaft out and put my one on, investigated the old one and found that one of the 3 roller bearings was totally missing.
I didn't do both sides but to remove the driveshaft change the boot and put it back on was about an hour without knowing what i was doing, its literally undo the hub, suspension, calliper and pull the drive shaft out, undo the boot, unclip the very very greasy hidden circlip, pull the join off its spline, remove old boot, fit new boot, fit back to car.
Very especially with the new gearbox oil its made me feel comfortable knowing its done.
Smooth as well.
Well I've done them too.
Don't need to remove the driveshaft for the outter just need to get the hub out of the way then get access to the joint and hit it hard, no circlips or anything just persuasion.
First time rolling under its own steam again, before sorting the inner CV boot.

Tonight after a long fun drive.



Really need to get my nice wheels back on.
When i saw the problem a little bit off poo came out, the speed they spin at and like that :S.
So after leaving her sitting and being my temporary shed while i was fixing the gearbox i thought the car needed a well deserved interior valet.

So first off i took the front seats out to make sure i could really get at everything.
Look at the mess the ominous white stain is from a split bottle off polish.


During this is after hoovering and rubbish removal:


Still got one seat left to do then finished pictures up tomorrow.
New noise maker.

Janspeed, paid £25 for it, little rusty a little old and it was rattling until i sorted it, painted it before i put it on the car forgot to take pictures.
Really need to get the motivation to sort the panhard rod, some 1.3 rods and crank and a peter lloyd exhaust..


Standard k11c looking all tall.


Sorted, it turns out I'm a retard, one of the wires going to the new gearbox not sure which one, was resting on the drive shaft frayed to hell so soldered and taped it up, new fuse and it all seems ok for now.
your not faultless:grinning:
can you get the exhaust sitting higher out the back or is box touching boot floor?

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