Mongol Rally

Hi everyone,
Me and three friends are going to do the 'Mongol Rally' in July next year.

Link to it:

Link to the team website:

Link to donate:

The rules state that the car you use must be a 1.2litre or under and no less than 10 years old. So if we were to do it in a micra we would have to get an '02 model.
Can anyone think of another sub 1.2l car to do it in? is there such a thing as a 1.2 4x4 that is less than 10 years old?
When we do get a car i will obviousely be doing some modifications to it to make it more 'rally' and also some to just make it interesting. which i will do a blog for on here no doubt.
but first we must find the car...
also, any tips from rally people on car set-up would be great! :D

I know its a little cheeky, but i thought i would post up a 'kit list' of things that we need just in case people have any of it lying around and would be kind enough to donate it to our trip...

We would be more than happy to pay the postage obviously

Also: Im going to take some pictures of the trusty steed today so will post a few up later

Haynes Manual (For An ’03 Skoda Fabia)
Air Compressor/Foot pump
Bottle Jack
Tyre Levers
Tyre Bead Breaker
Socket Set/Spanners
Screw Driver Set
20L Jerrycan * 2
Tow Rope
Duck Tape
Cable Ties (various sizes, metal and plastic)
Chemical Metal
Spark Plug Tool Donated by 6.5x55
Jump Leads
Plus Lots More

Car Spares/Upgrades (The car is an '03 Skoda Fabia)
Spare Air Filters *2
Snorkel Kit
Service Kit
Hard Wearing Tires *6
Inner Tubes *4
PA System
Spare Battery
Sump Guard
Fire Extinguisher
Spark Plugs
Large Driving Lamps
Bulbs and Fuses
Spare Alternator/PAS/Water Pump Belts
Engine Oil (2Liters)
Brake Fluid Donated by 6.5x55
Complete Front Strut
Rear Shock
Stereo (head unit)
Speakers Donated by 6.5x55
Plus Lots More

1 Man Tents *4
Water Bottles
Pans Set
Emergency Flares *2
Torches *3
Satellite Phone
Sleeping Mats
Shovel (small)
Petrol/Multifuel Camping Stove
First Aid Kit
12V Kettle
Water Purifier
Cooking Equipment
Sleeping Bags * 4
Plus Lots More

Phrase Books For: Russian, Turkish, Kazakh, Iranian and Mongolian
Maps of: Eastern Europe, Turkey, Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia
Good luck guys, a few people on here have done it before so might be worth trying to search around and see if there's any additional information in other threads!

I understand it as being 10yrs old OR OLDER! Try googleing Plymouth Dakar rally for tales links and info. Small light cars do very well, a micra is well suited as they are so reliable, its only heater motors, water leaks that give problems....small potato's!
What a twit, I have now looked at the site again!!!!!! Yes you are right, so your looking at a panel damaged 02 k11 or later. The government obviously do not want sheds entering the country, but in reality the olde the car in general, the more change there is of keeping them on the road. Would you prefer a k12 over a k11, I doubt it same goes with facelift/pre-faclift the earlier ones are better made(I have both) and can have less NATS issues too.
Yeah, can't say I'm a massive fan of the age rule, I think we will be disabling the nats somehow before we set out, don't much like the idea of nats kicking in in the middle of the desert.
We now have an account with justgiving so if anyone fancies donating a couple of coins to orphans in Mongolia then please do:)
I've just donated Noddie :). I'd choose the lowest spec 1.0 K11 you can get and see if you can some knarly tyres for it - definitely keep it simple. Are you allowed to service it before you go ie new water pump and all coolant hoses etc? Reckon you'd be onto a winner there (Y).
I've just donated Noddie :). I'd choose the lowest spec 1.0 K11 you can get and see if you can some knarly tyres for it - definitely keep it simple. Are you allowed to service it before you go ie new water pump and all coolant hoses etc? Reckon you'd be onto a winner there (Y).
Thank you so much! That was really generous of you! That's made my evening, you are our first donation:D
Its looking very likely that we will be going in a micra:D so we are looking for a 1.0 02' k11 (5 door). So if anyone spots one for a decent price then please let me know:) We will be painting it so small scrapes and scratches is fine.
I think it's very good. Bare in mind you can easily get 4 six footers in a Micra. May get a bit smokey though with all your cigars if you don't keep the windows down :laugh:.
I think it's very good. Bare in mind you can easily get 4 six footers in a Micra. May get a bit smokey though with all your cigars if you don't keep the windows down :laugh:.
haha, they were just for show, couldnt get the taste out of my mouth for ages!
Yeah, but can you fit 4 blokes and all the tools needed/camping equipment/personal stuff? im not sure about that.
Hey guys, we have drawn up a kit list that we need and we'r asking everyone if they have any of it that they no longer want and would like to donate to the trip?
Take a look at the list here:
If you have anything that is not on the list but you think would be useful let me know also:D
Thanks guys!
P.S we will of cause pay for the item to get to us:)
Tie wraps, you should add them onto the list lol

cant help with anything on there, but only offer a couple of usefull tips, tyre levers, i made mine out of dome flat mild steel bar and hardened them, 25x3mm i think it was, then warmed them up with the oxy-accelelene set till almost white hot and dropped them in water, not bent as of yet.

also re tyre bead breaker, what you can do is jack up a god pumped up wheel of the car then put the tyre under it that needs it bead broke then drop the car wheel on it, that should break most beads, 9hope that made sense, if not ill draw a picture lol)

is it defos a micra then as u mentiond it to be 4x4 what about the subaru justy thats a 1.3 with 4wd and can come in a 5 door but good luck to you with whatever your wepon of choice may be
Thank you! that would have been a good one, but its a little too far from us:D

Tie wraps, you should add them onto the list lol

cant help with anything on there, but only offer a couple of usefull tips, tyre levers, i made mine out of dome flat mild steel bar and hardened them, 25x3mm i think it was, then warmed them up with the oxy-accelelene set till almost white hot and dropped them in water, not bent as of yet.

also re tyre bead breaker, what you can do is jack up a god pumped up wheel of the car then put the tyre under it that needs it bead broke then drop the car wheel on it, that should break most beads, 9hope that made sense, if not ill draw a picture lol)

arr yes, forgot them:D Added.
Yeah, good plan on the tyre levers. Nah i gettcha, Will have to try that method of bead breaking before i make one:) one less thing to carry!
Yeah, i getcha :D
yeah, looks like a good option:) il keep my eyes out for a nice cheap one locally. Im hoping to get a car from a local car dealer either free or cheap so might just have to take what they give us.
If anyone lives in or near Bristol and fancies a big night out with money going to a good cause then check this out...


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So, next big update..
We still dont have a car... but we have made a video to promote our team and try to raise more money for the charities...
haha awesome video ed all the best of luck to you... and i love the way you had to get your micra into it :p love it

from that video i think you just convinced me on the coilovers as it took all you blokes very well!

i will donate when my bank acounts are in the black!

representing K11+top band of blocks+good tune+hot girls = :girly: Which one are you Noddie?
Cheers guys! Yeah, I'm the one in the sheepskin coat:) spread it round as much as possible as we need loads of people to see it and donate to the charities:D
I know its a little cheeky, but i thought i would post up a 'kit list' of things that we need just in case people have any of it lying around and would be kind enough to donate it to our trip... :D

We would be more than happy to pay the postage obviously:)

Also: Im going to take some pictures of the trusty steed today so will post a few up later:D

Haynes Manual (For An ’03 Skoda Fabia)
Air Compressor/Foot pump
Bottle Jack
Tyre Levers
Tyre Bead Breaker
Socket Set/Spanners
Screw Driver Set
20L Jerrycan * 2
Tow Rope
Duck Tape
Cable Ties (various sizes, metal and plastic)
Chemical Metal
Spark Plug Tool Donated by 6.5x55
Jump Leads
Plus Lots More

Car Spares/Upgrades (The car is an '03 Skoda Fabia)
Spare Air Filters *2
Snorkel Kit
Service Kit
Hard Wearing Tires *6
Inner Tubes *4
PA System
Spare Battery
Sump Guard
Fire Extinguisher
Spark Plugs
Large Driving Lamps
Bulbs and Fuses
Spare Alternator/PAS/Water Pump Belts
Engine Oil (2Liters)
Brake Fluid Donated by 6.5x55
Complete Front Strut
Rear Shock
Stereo (head unit)
Speakers Donated by 6.5x55
Plus Lots More

1 Man Tents *4
Water Bottles
Pans Set
Emergency Flares *2
Torches *3
Satellite Phone
Sleeping Mats
Shovel (small)
Petrol/Multifuel Camping Stove
First Aid Kit
12V Kettle
Water Purifier
Cooking Equipment
Sleeping Bags * 4
Plus Lots More

Phrase Books For: Russian, Turkish, Kazakh, Iranian and Mongolian
Maps of: Eastern Europe, Turkey, Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia
I know its a little cheeky, but i thought i would post up a 'kit list' of things that we need just in case people have any of it lying around and would be kind enough to donate it to our trip... :D

We would be more than happy to pay the postage obviously:)

Also: Im going to take some pictures of the trusty steed today so will post a few up later:D

Haynes Manual (For An ’03 Skoda Fabia)
Air Compressor/Foot pump
Bottle Jack
Tyre Levers
Tyre Bead Breaker
Socket Set/Spanners
Screw Driver Set
20L Jerrycan * 2
Tow Rope
Duck Tape
Cable Ties (various sizes, metal and plastic)
Chemical Metal
Spark Plug Tool
Jump Leads
Plus Lots More

Car Spares/Upgrades (The car is an '03 Skoda Fabia)
Spare Air Filters *2
Snorkel Kit
Service Kit
Hard Wearing Tires *6
Inner Tubes *4
PA System
Spare Battery
Sump Guard
Fire Extinguisher
Spark Plugs
Large Driving Lamps
Bulbs and Fuses
Spare Alternator/PAS/Water Pump Belts
Engine Oil (2Liters)
Brake Fluid
Complete Front Strut
Rear Shock
Stereo and Speakers
Plus Lots More

1 Man Tents *4
Water Bottles
Pans Set
Emergency Flares *2
Torches *3
Satellite Phone
Sleeping Mats
Shovel (small)
Petrol/Multifuel Camping Stove
First Aid Kit
12V Kettle
Water Purifier
Cooking Equipment
Sleeping Bags * 4
Plus Lots More

Phrase Books For: Russian, Turkish, Kazakh, Iranian and Mongolian
Maps of: Eastern Europe, Turkey, Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia

how the hell do you plan to fit all that in that car, im sure my dads transit would struggle to carry all that lol.

my mate's just sold his fabia so ill see if he's still got the haynes manual, and if he has ill grab it off him for you.
Let me know if these are use Noddie :).

Haynes Manual (For An ’03 Skoda Fabia)
Air Compressor/Foot pump
Bottle Jack
Tyre Levers
Tyre Bead Breaker
Socket Set/Spanners
Screw Driver Set
20L Jerrycan * 2
Tow Rope
Duck Tape
Cable Ties (various sizes, metal and plastic)
Chemical Metal
Spark Plug Tool - Halfords one marked 10mm
Jump Leads
Plus Lots More

Car Spares/Upgrades (The car is an '03 Skoda Fabia)
Spare Air Filters *2
Snorkel Kit
Service Kit
Hard Wearing Tires *6
Inner Tubes *4
PA System
Spare Battery
Sump Guard
Fire Extinguisher
Spark Plugs
Large Driving Lamps
Bulbs and Fuses
Spare Alternator/PAS/Water Pump Belts
Engine Oil (2Liters)
Brake Fluid - 250 ml EBC Dot 4 unopened
Complete Front Strut
Rear Shock
Stereo and Speakers
Plus Lots More

1 Man Tents *4
Water Bottles
Pans Set
Emergency Flares *2
Torches *3
Satellite Phone
Sleeping Mats
Shovel (small)
Petrol/Multifuel Camping Stove
First Aid Kit
12V Kettle
Water Purifier
Cooking Equipment
Sleeping Bags * 4
Plus Lots More

Phrase Books For: Russian, Turkish, Kazakh, Iranian and Mongolian
Maps of: Eastern Europe, Turkey, Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia
Thats very kind of you 6.5x55:) the brake fluid would be very cool. as for spark plug tool, if im honest i havent checked what size they are but i will do hopefully today and get back to you on that one:)
Thank you!!
Edit: Gotta love google, they are 10mm:) so yes please:D! If you give me your paypal or whatever il send you the postage money:D:D
Edit No2: whats your real name? il give you a little mention on the site:) or could just use 6.5x55 if you like...
I'll post em tomorrow. Real name's Guy but no need for a mention, I'm sure you've got 'proper' sponsors :blush:. PM your address and I'll ge them posted.
pm'ed you 6.5x55:)
Cheers micraman! yeah, im feeling pretty good about it now... still loads to do but feel like we are getting there.. ish:D
I would just like to publicly big up 6.5x55. A parcel containing some great stuff (including some really nice infinity speakers!) arrived the other day.
The Yak bows his head in recognition of you mate.

In other news, me and Jack did a small photo shoot with the car the other day. Stay tuned for the latest...
Thought i would add the latest pics to the thread...









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