Micra man's car bodywork and general update 2...

It looks good, I think you'll get a better idea of what it looks like when they sort the alignment at the front then pre-coat that tailgate...

You've done a nice job designing it, although it's not to my taste it looks well done! :)
Go for the Candy red... If you spray it gold it'll look cheap!
It may look good in RS-Blue/Purple with the white wheels?
Could be an idea give it a photoshop!

PS: Also try Kawasaki Blue! ;)

Ben said:
ignore her Dan, she is a nutter :p

Thats true.

Thanks for the input JamieGTI. The work itself isn't really to well done lol, although the ideas for what I wanted are in place and gives the general idea of how it should look when finished. I did consider the blues, so depending on whether I keep the paint or not I may change my mind about the colour scheme in the future. :)
Yeah I was looking at the front and hoping that they hadn't finished some of the chassis work... :S
Can you do us a favour (mainly myself) and post the pictures you've shopped up of the design? :)
I'd like to have a look at them and i pressume alot of others, if you don't mind of course?

No thats fine, I wasn't gunna post it til it was finished but doesn't seem much point now, the plan was to have something along the lines of this...

Yeah, that looks good! I kinda like it!
Not sure about the spoiler but I like the Arches and the "kinda" neat looking front bumper! =]
Nice choice! Good luck with it! :)
I look forward to seeing it progress! Be sure to keep it updated!

Really would look great if it was done like that. Red's the best colour ;)

dont like the mirrors but the rest is nice! Esp the wheels. Are you keeping the same ones as present (same as mine) because the ones there are photoshopped and have 5 studs
Yeah its the same ones, but sprayed pearlescent white. Well spotted Mr Arnold, lol I just shopped some wheels that were already white. May do the mirrors black, I haven't decided yet to match the grille and the lights. Think I will probably stick with the red also, probably go something similar to Kev's if I don't get the paint that I have, as his looks lush in real life when the sun is on it. :)
Like I said... keep it red ;)
It'll look much better, especially with the wheel choice!
Do a little photoshop though in Kawasaki Blue, i just want to see it!
I'm in work atm so i can't do it!

Haha... it looks like those old "Zap" ice lollies! :D
Can you do it in kawasaki blue?
Sorry to be a pest! :)

Nice blue too. I saw a k10 in a scrappy like that once, very modified up! speedle knows the one im on about.

Both nice colours so its a tough one! I dont think you should do white though
Dan, I've e-mailed Steve with pics and what is basically required, it's up to you now to ring up and book it in and Steve will be able to give you a better idea of pricing when you speak to him.

Ok thanks mate. Does he know that it may be a few weeks before I actually ring him as I will need a few weeks to get everything sorted with it. :)
Well the beast is back home!!! :) Looking at it again, there may not be quite as much work as initially thought but still alot to do. At least I know where its at now, and its under cover. Also got another car as a run around for a while. So I've gone from having no cars to 2 overnight lol. :p
1.9 Diesel Clio lol on an N plate. Needs a bit of work doing to pass its MOT but for £60 I can't really complain. Majority of the bodywork is tidy enough apart from a little bit of rust on the arches so should be ideal for what I am after. :) And at least it means that I can get around now.
Cool! Im after a cheap run around whilst i have my conversion carried out, as long as its road legal, i dont care what it is! Good luck with your car though, what are you going to do with it now - barwell?
Spoke to Steve about it yesterday and they are prepared to take it on to get it finished, lol won't be cheap though

Dan I'll Pm you when I get chance.

All depends on the price really and when I can afford it. I trust them though and have seen the quality of their finished work so if the price is right and I can get the car there ok, then I will probably quite happily take it there. :) Yeah let me know asap Kev. :) Cheers mate.

I just needed a car desperately really as I start a new job soon and a friend of a relative said that he was selling this. Its ideal really as its good on economy and it was cheap most of all lol. :p Just hope I can get it MOT'd ok, and back on the road shortly. :)
Arnold said:
Cool! Im after a cheap run around whilst i have my conversion carried out, as long as its road legal, i dont care what it is! Good luck with your car though, what are you going to do with it now - barwell?

How about a Green p reg Micra 1.0?
£500 12month MOT and 3 months tax?

It's a bit of a journy though though!
Arnold said:
Cool! Im after a cheap run around whilst i have my conversion carried out, as long as its road legal, i dont care what it is! Good luck with your car though, what are you going to do with it now - barwell?



Good luck Dan
JamieGti said:
How about a Green p reg Micra 1.0?
£500 12month MOT and 3 months tax?

It's a bit of a journy though though!

No thx mate, it's a k11 :p - anyway, back to topic :)

LOL @ Ben
A 50 quid shed would suit me, i'd only want it for a month or two! Anyway, im buying that super s from scotland so will probably use that if it gets an MOT.
Has the front bumper been adjusted since it was white? I dont get why there's shedloads of filler on it as it looks the same.

The back can be saved quite easily i think, but omg at the front
Its actually the other way round Arnold lol. I've just fitted the front bumper kinda properly now and took some more pics. The front aint too bad, and the bumper has been totally changed. I will post a before and after pic in a bit to show you the difference. The back on the other hand will need a new boot altogether, the lights have been held in with expanding foam and then instead of fg them in, one of them has just been filled over and left. Really the whole back lights need redoing again. I don't know how much strength has been lost also due to the changes. Although it looks like there is lots of filler on the front, its actually not too bad, its just covering the fg which he has used on the front lol, as the whole bumper was extended to match with the lights and the number plate recess taken out. The middle slat on the bottom was also flipped upside down also.




Well here is a list of things I am gunna try and do myself before it goes to the bodyshop, and then I will get them to finish it off and do the bits that I can't including the respray.

- Wheels need stripping back and painting
- Front bumper needs sanding and shaping somewhere near
- Rear bumper needs sanding and shaping
- Buy new bootlid to start again with
- Possibly try and sort out a few little cracks on the arches and petrol cap

Then that leaves for the bodyshop...

- Fabricate rear lights
- Smooth boot and allow for lights
- Add bonnet extension and meet with grille
- Sort out roof runner cracks
- Prep for paint
- Full respray

So that should cut the work and hopefully the price for the bodyshop, and give me some more experience with bodywork. I am aiming to have it done for Donny next year but will hopefully be finished alot earlier than that though. :) Should be looking good eventually I hope lol. :)
So you should. ;) None of them are particularly taxing jobs so should be ok. :) If I realise that I can't do it then I will just leave it for the bodyshop to do.
i like how the bumper looks now... before it looked like it was missing like say a splitter or something but now the flared bits make it more meaner looking...
Well I did another photoshop to try and cheer myself up lol, as I was feeling a bit low about it and thinking about not bothering with it all again. Luckily though it cheered me up. :p

Yeah not wanting to sound big headed here but I reckon that I have the ideas for the styling absolutely spot on. I just need someone who's work is mint and will do a good job to make it become a reality eventually hehe. :p Roll on Barwell perhaps??

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