micra man
Golf GTi Turbo
Hehe, well been quite a good day today I suppose. Went to Wayne's after uni to help him along with the car. Slowly but surely its getting there, as now the task of sorting new electrics out is ahead of us, although most of it is now done. Front lights and all but one rear light is sorted (yet to find out the problem), one indicator on the mirror is sorted, other one we are having a few problems with, but shouldn't be too bad to sort out. Believe we have an earth problem with the heater matrix as when we turned the heaters on, the temp gauge went up lol, not good and the indicators went psycho!!!
Drove the car to the garage with one standard seat in and no interior lol, to get the lights tested, and thankfully they only need a slight adjustment, and they are all legal and good!!!
Very happy to get back behind the wheel of the beast again, and it looked like a monster as Wayne drove it down his street, totally different and absolutely awesome if I may say so myself. Very impressed with the power too, so much more responsive than before and great fun to drive, so hopefully we got this right this time too.
Left Wayne to finish off what is left of the spraying tonight, although it will probably take a few days to get it all done and then its just daft things like electrics sorting out, and interior back in etc, then a damn good buff and polish to make it all shine again.
Everyone seemed impressed with it at the garage, and got some quite funny stares off people lol, so happy people are appreciating the work that has gone into it.
Also, my insurance runs out tonight, so just been onto the phone to CIS who were by far the cheapest again for me, and even with the 3 points I got on, they didn't add any extra and still came out the same price, so quite chuffed with that, all in at 600, with 3 years NCB and discount for 2nd year renewal, so a very big reduction from last year.
So, overall quite happy with todays things on the car side of stuff. Its coming along nicely, and can't wait to get back behind the wheel of it again full time.
Drove the car to the garage with one standard seat in and no interior lol, to get the lights tested, and thankfully they only need a slight adjustment, and they are all legal and good!!!
Also, my insurance runs out tonight, so just been onto the phone to CIS who were by far the cheapest again for me, and even with the 3 points I got on, they didn't add any extra and still came out the same price, so quite chuffed with that, all in at 600, with 3 years NCB and discount for 2nd year renewal, so a very big reduction from last year.
So, overall quite happy with todays things on the car side of stuff. Its coming along nicely, and can't wait to get back behind the wheel of it again full time.