Micra man's car bodywork and general update 2...

Looking good MM!!! kinda like that purple look lol, doing a good job with the filling of the roof bars etc too
Yup, the filler cap, roof liners etc, now look mint and you can't even tell that they were there. Very happy with that lol. The purple did look quite nice actually hehe.
Aint been up for over a week now. I think cos he has no actual deadline he's just going quite slowly which although it means everything will be done right is actually annoying me as he keeps saying times then it aint done for then. Lost interest in it a little again now, probably cos I haven't seen any progress but who knows. Just want it back now lol and finished. :(
Don't worry Dan, you'll have it back soon enough.

In my experience it's not worth pushing your bodyshop for the work to be done, you don't want them rushing the job and getting it back half done lol!

I'm sure the fnished product will be exactly what you want.

Kev :)
Yeah I hope so mate, I suppose its taken nearly a year, what difference will another week make lol?? Just annoying still relying on lifts and the wonderful public transport lol!!! I will post some pics after I go up tonight anyway.
Well I went to see it last night, and although there wasn't much progress to look at really, the shell is now totally smooth, bonnet extension is ready to go back on, rear splitters are now made and ready to be moulded on, as well as front bumper moulds, so although the car doesn't look too much different theres still progress been made and hopefully well on its way lol. :) Can't wait to see it done now, I looked at the paint again last night and its yummy!!! :D
Not to much to see as it was crammed in with another car he is doing at the mo, one of my mates' fiestas. Here are a few pics though. :) Also, bonnet extension on the pics is only cardboard, you can see how he has is now well on with the bumper extension so it matches the lights now that they are pointing correctly. Coming on quite nicely. Will also have a few nice little touches and changes from before too. :D

Also put some up of Jordans fiesta he is doing and a lush BMW which they have done work for also, including fitting the E46 bonnet. B)


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no offence dan but having other cars in the garage is no excuse for not working on your car, doesnt seem much progress, u wud expect them to be working their tits off too since its overdue anyway, oh and is that gordis festa?
Yeah it is. When I said not much to see I meant picture wise not progress wise. I know it doesn't look like much but they have also been working on the boot which you can't see, all of the car is in final primer now, and totally smooth, bonnet is ready to go on. So its getting there.
Big_ben said:
no offence dan but having other cars in the garage is no excuse for not working on your car, doesnt seem much progress, u wud expect them to be working their tits off too since its overdue anyway, oh and is that gordis festa?

Also bearing in mind what was involved here and how long it took to strip the paint off and what horrors they soon came arcoss to get this job done in 8 weeks would be about right.

I think it's been in about 6 weeks and it looks like it's nearly there now.

Kev said:
Also bearing in mind what was involved here and how long it took to strip the paint off and what horrors they soon came arcoss to get this job done in 8 weeks would be about right.

I think it's been in about 6 weeks and it looks like it's nearly there now.


aye a suppose but thats not what am disputing, ave seen the car in the flesh n if it was me personally a would have scrapped it but all respect to Dan for sticking with it but the garage would have been able to estimate how much work was needed for it and considering it was due finished about 4 weeks ago or summit its not brilliant on theyre part, i only hope that the effort and time is worth it for dan, god knows hes ploughed mountains of effort, time and cash into this car
i like the fiesta backend, i have to admit its alot better than the other rear end you had on it, still going to be orange and black ?
Lol, yeah thats a different car. And for the tenth time, no it won't be black and orange, will be a much much nicer colour than that!!! :D When the bodyshop said it would be done four weeks ago they didn't actually know the extent of the work. Alot of work has been going on which you won't actually see, but simply to add strength back into the car. The car however although it may not look like it from the pics will look very different than how it did before when it was orange and black, all for the better too I feel. :)
Its hardly just a new coat of paint!!! Everything needed redoing again, and also alot has been changed since Wayne did it. As I said its getting there. :)
I hate to cause an argument here, but it doesn't take THAT long to do some SERIOUS modifications to bodywork..... a few weeks is MORE than enough to do anything... if not.. there not working on it full time AT ALL...!!

I know how long it takes to filler and smooth and weld and bog and spray..

custom kit work doesn't even take that long....

Dont get me wrong... its not done in a few days.. but weeks and weeks... turning to months... PLEASE....

There are some that will disagree with me but when i refit my wide arch kit to my new 2.0 micra.. I will be posting a thread about it and you will see ho quickly Real progress with Quality work can be made...
admittably the headlights and rear lights could pose a few time consumeing problems... but not this amount of time...

I hope and Im sure you will be happy in the long run dan... the final result should look the bomb...
Aye, if they worked on your car it would be ready in 1 month MAXIMUM.
They are just lazy, and work on other peoples cars... you should just go down without arranging it now and then - you will see other peoples cars come and go in and out of the bodyshop and yours will still be there in the corner...
i know a few friends having major body mods done, the place its being done it a top quality place and their work is awesome the problem is they try to do too much too soon and it ends up making them look stupid and unreliable, but their work is still 110% perhaps the place dans getting his is the same.. they are too scared of having no work so overload on it, truth is if someone really wants a a particular place to do the work they will wait if it the bests, lot of body shops shoot themsleves in the foot like this ;0
to judge it in your own mind dan from the experience you have had with them so far would you use this company again to do a bodywork project for you?
Yeah I would use them again. I know its taken a while and maybe shouldn't have took as long as it has but as you say he has had other cars in and I have had words about the length of time. Alot of time has been spent actually putting the strength back in the boot where Wayne hacked the lights and part of the structure of the car, and aligning the lights properly which wasn't done before. It ok saying you can fit a wide arch kit to a car, as thats pretty easy as long you know how to fg and then slap some filler on, but its making the mounts up for the lights and welding the boot to perfection with custom lights which takes the time. I know its took a while but it will be worth the wait. It will also, as I have said before have many other changes so that all takes time too. I agree it has taken a while and nobody more than me wants it back but 7-8 weeks for the work that has been carried out is about right for most bodyshops. :)
dunno like Dan, a have to agree with Kris, its taking far too long - then again Kristian, didnt your bodyshop have youryellow k11 for half a year or something? I can see where your coming from Dan but they are taking too long, correct me if im wrong but wasnt it supposed to be done in 2 weeks originally? dont go n hassle them however coz they will just make an arse of it
I know I won't hassle them. It was supposed to take 2 weeks until they started to take the paint off and saw how much work was involved with it. As I said I have had words, but at the end of the day they'll take however long it takes, as long as the jobs good at the end of it and as long as they don't start to really take the ###### then I'll be happy. Afterall its been a year now, what difference is another few weeks gunna make. When you all see the finished product you may be able to appreciate how much work has gone into it. :) I know what you are all saying and can see where you are coming from, but I do have faith in him. Also there is only one guy working at the shop now.
lol, well said just keep us updated, were like this imagine dan lol. ill be like this when my focus goes to bassmechanix
They doing an install for ya?? Yeah I will keep you all updated. :) I went up the other night armed with a camera but forgot to take pics hehe. :eek: They have basically remoulded the front bumper so it matches the line of the lights correctly and a few other things too which will totally change the look of the front end. :) They have also played around with the rear bumper to make that alot nicer too, which is looking good. Just can't wait to get it back lol!!! :D
Dusk said:
Aye, if they worked on your car it would be ready in 1 month MAXIMUM.
They are just lazy, and work on other peoples cars... you should just go down without arranging it now and then - you will see other peoples cars come and go in and out of the bodyshop and yours will still be there in the corner...

This type of delay is quite nomal and standard when it comes to having custom bodywork and a major repair that is taking place on Dan's car.

You have to understand and respect that as a business a bodyshop will have a workforce that can allocate itself to a said amount of jobs / cars at any given time. However in many cases custom work means no deadline and in some instances delays depending on how the jobs go and what is required.

If a potential customer contacts your business wishing to book there car in, your not going to say come back in a month and we'll book you in when that car is finished as you'll loose the customer and they'll go somewhere else.

Bodyshops operate in such a way that they will book in a certain amount of cars and then work on them over a given period, this way ensuring they have a constant workload.

Dan's car may took longer then some jobs and yes I'm sure they'll have work come in and go before Dan's is finished but they still have to operate a business, make profit and utilise floor space, you wouldn't just have one car in when say for instance you have standing floor space for 5.

To fit a wide arch kit is pretty straight forward in comparison to:

- stripping five layers of paint.
- re-fitting arches
- re-building bonnet
- re-moulding front bumper
- aligning and re-fitting front lights
- re-building rear of the car
- aligning and re-fitting rear lights
- re-building tailgate
- customising the rear bumper
- paint stages.

The paint stages alone should take 2 weeks, the primmer should be allowed settle for days, the base coat the same and then depending on what paint finish Dan has it will probably be about 4 stages to build up the colour and then ideally it should sit for a week to bond properly before being on the rod

So I wouldn't be suprised if it's in for several weeks to come.

If a potential customer contacts your business wishing to book there car in, your not going to say come back in a month and we'll book you in when that car is finished as you'll loose the customer and they'll go somewhere else.
but if all bodyshops were regulated and were honest then that would be the ideal thing to do, book it in a month in advance, for all the work to be done as one in a shortest period. if the customer went somewhere else thats tough luck.
Most of the time though when people book their cars in, its usually just to tidy up bits of the car before shows etc, this is what most of the other cars that he has done has been so far, one of my mates cars that he is doing will be just getting finished this weekend, which has just had a respray, its easier for him to get rid of that car so he can concentrate solely on mine when its the only one he has to do. Thanks Kev for the comments, if any of you saw how the car was close up and how it is now you would see just how much work was involved in doing it. As Kev said they are a business and need a constant income, many of you have never had this type of work done before and its very hard to put a date on how long it will take to do something when it comes to something like this. I'm in the middle of exams at uni now anyway, so I wouldn't have chance to put it back together just yet anyway lol, so another week or two won't hurt too much. :)
nizzanz1 said:
but if all bodyshops were regulated and were honest then that would be the ideal thing to do, book it in a month in advance, for all the work to be done as one in a shortest period. if the customer went somewhere else thats tough luck.

Yes in ideal world that would work fine, but it's not is it.

In ideal world Dan's car would take x amount of time and then they could book each car in every x amount of days, but that simply does not happen and you cannot run a business like that.

I cannot believe people are here criticising a bodyshop who have rescued Dan's car, ok the timescale to get it done for donny was very optimistic, but then they couldn't have foreseen the work involved in just looking at the car and obviously Dan wanted done for the show. As they worked on the car, more horrors where found and this delayed getting it done, plus yes they have other work to get on with, after all it is a business!

now that donny show has passed they can work at getting it right without rushing and I'm sure the end product will be superb.

if this is how bodyshops run then i am criticising all of them. all available man power should be spent on the car that 1st came into the shop. until it is finished. another car could be worked on, but only if nothing can be done to the 1st car, ie when the paint is drying or whatever. this is the correct way it should be done. perhaps if complaint were made, a regulating organisation could be made, and bodyshops would have to register with it to be legal.
there should no instances of dan walking in to see his car and not seeing all the staff working on it, unless as said it cant be touched as part of the process.
in fairness dans car was in a complete state, i dan there doing some major work for me if the bloody finance company get their acts together. I honestly believ it has took too long but as Kev pointed out its just the way they work, it took two weeks to get my boot resmoothed by a bodyshop after Wayne did it and they didnt even have to do any welding, just a simple smooth n paint! they do take too long but it cant be helped and i was more than happy with the final results
i suppose if up front before taking your car to book in they say " we will not always be working on your car, we will work on other new cars coming in with higher priorites than yours". then thats fair.

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