Micra man's car bodywork and general update 2...

Tempted to go down the bodyshop tonight but I usually stop them working for about an hour when I go down there lol, so just gunna leave it til tomorrow so hopefully there will be alot more progress. Should be in primer by Tuesday!!! How tight is this gunna be!?!?!? :eek: :D :)
glad your removing the bad boy dan i never thought it looked straight im sure your making all the right choices this time cant wait to see it finished :D should be worthy of many a magazine article im sure :D
Aah, 4 days left to go!!! Total made rush to get things sorted and there are loads of things that I have lost due to it been off the road for so long!!! :| Got the dash up to a nice shine and still got a few other bits to finish off but its getting there now, going to see the car tonight so will post an update then. Anyways, back to it. Thanks Speedle!!! :D
Well I finished the dash, and then scratched the '#@][?!!! GRR, but probably hardly noticeable really but very annoying and I will know its there so will probably sort it after the show. Quite happy with the finish on it though, seems the hard wotk paid off. :D Just needs a good rub down and it should come up nice.

Also, should be in primer tonight!!! ;)


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why not just go for a factory black dash dan - you don't get the horibble shiny finish then ;)
looking good dan! i thought the dash looked so much better smooth when i had my blue one, much better than that horriable pattern they put on it ;)
Aah!!! Cutting this very fine now, haven't seen the car now since Monday but apparently yesterday they had a few set backs so worked all night to get caught up again. Will be going to see it tomorrow morning and taking all of the finished interior up and hopefully they will be well on with it. No doubt they are dedicated thats for sure. Hope its done though, they still say it will be. :)

On another note the paint has arrived from America House of Kolor hehe. :D Apparently its a stunning colour but shame I will have to wait until tomorrow to see it. :( :p Sounds very exciting though.
tisk you couldnt just leave it could you? was sexay in white.
good luck, all this work and you're just gonna get it covered in motorway cack!!!
micra man said:
On another note the paint has arrived from America House of Kolor hehe. :D Apparently its a stunning colour but shame I will have to wait until tomorrow to see it. :( :p Sounds very exciting though.

hehe nice 1!

I know what the colour is :p and believe me it's stunning!

Hope it comes off for you Dan.

Kev :)
Well its gone full circle now. It was there last year, then hasn't been to any shows since then, so thats a year of shows I have missed now. Should be at the next one lol but not saying for definite at the mo, at least it will be done properly and perfect in the long run anyway. :)
Guess you been speaking to G?? Yeah they've said that there is no strength in the boot and front lights so something will have to be fabricated. The front lights will also need adjusting, so they point in the right direction, which is gunna involve making new brackets up etc, so they want to get it all right, which is good, just a shame I couldn't have got it too them a week earlier. :( Should all be done this time next week though.
bummer, still i would rather have a fully functioning and perfect car than having a half hearted one and taking it to shows, no offence meant and as i said to you at JNE, it was a bit of an embarrassment when your k10, waynes and the bbq all turned up and not one of them was really anywhere near show quality
Kev said:
hehe nice 1!

I know what the colour is :p and believe me it's stunning!

Hope it comes off for you Dan.

Kev :)

Also Kev, you don't know what the colour is hehe. ;) Went down last night, and everyone there looked a little disheartened. :( Here are some progress pics anyway, still loads to do as you can see, not for the want of trying from the bodyshop though. :) The lights are now pointing correctly and have some decent brackets made up, and they are starting on strengthening the boot back up. They should it should be done by next weekend which is pretty kool. :D


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erm...i dont belive you :D too many secrets and its ready its not ready stuff going on this year.

whos taking your place on the stand?

its crap if its not ready like,and im wrong :D
The pictures above were taken on the 12/4/06... unless he also faked the date on the camera...
Ed said:
The pictures above were taken on the 12/4/06... unless he also faked the date on the camera...

dunno.....like i said too man tricks on this forum

and yeah its a shame it wont be ready if its true :)
Nah man, unfortunately its not a joke. Wish it was and it was ready but afraid there's still alot left to do. :( Should be ready in about a weeks time hopefully but won't be for the show. :'( Gutted now when I see everyone getting ready for the show, but still gunna go and try and enjoy myself.

Andy_S has taken my place on the stand too. :)
For those of you who I spoke to at the show about the cars that CATS have done here is a pic of one of them, which today was offered a front page feature for fast ford, so Will is well happy. :)

anymore update Dan?

Must be getting close to being finished?

I asked him last night and he said he hasnt been over to have a look within past few days.. sure it will be finished soon tho!
Well I guess the question has been answered. :p They said probably around the middle of next week, but all depends how things go as they are on with making the rear lights, and redoing the bonnet, so kinda hard to say how its gunna go. So want it back now though. :(
1 weeks turns into 2 weeks turning into 3 weeks... gotta love bodyshops and there great time-estimates...
Well I wasn't really happy with the finish that I had on the dash so I worked on it some more today. Still not 100% happy with it in parts but most of it is sweet, so very happy with the finish on the whole. :D I know alot of you say you can't tell a finish from photo's blah blah, so you will just have to take my word for it til you see it hehe. :p


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did you sand the bumps out on the dash or did you put filler on it, looks like you sanded it, nice shine its got
I filled it then sanded it lol, should have just sanded it really, but didn't think it would work easily at first. Took ages but worth the effort I think. :)
micra man said:
:D I know alot of you say you can't tell a finish from photo's blah blah, so you will just have to take my word for it til you see it hehe. :p

like who lol

nah but in fairness it actually does 'seem' to be good, good reflection etc. ONe thing though Dan u will never be a proffessional photographer, any pics of the shell or they top secret?
nice work dan! theres only on bad point of having a shiney dash and thats that in the summer you get some glare on the windsheld fromt he part that surrounds the dials but you get used to it :p i supposed black wont be as bad as bright blue :p :D did you achieve that finish just with spray cans? awesome!
Yeah just from the can. :) Yeah the dash dial surround bit was bright when it was blue, and again its gunna be a bright colour but not saying what hehe. :p But will certainly shine now it is smooth. The bodyshop is spraying that bit though. A pair of sunglasses is in order I think. :p
i thought the and black theme was different untill donny lol every other car was that colour :)

it does look good like you had it but obv its common now..hope your new plans are different :)
Latest pics in primer, with a purple witness coat which will leave a smooth white surface when sanded off for the paint ot go onto to get a glassy finish. Getting there, should be done either this weekend or next, not holding out much hope for this weekend though, still alot to do. Getting there though hehe. :D


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