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Micra.jas start to finish.

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LOL i never fort about that swiper. but now u mention it they do look odd,lol so i think a trip to sumwer to get some made up i thniks!
are these nismo mounts stiffer ? i need my engine to be nearly rock solid in position as the water pump pully is fouling the inner guard on hard turns

how much were they if you dont mind me asking, and from matt i take it
cost me around 95 pounds from matt and yes they are alot stiffer dude!


on the weekend i purchased a set of new cobra clubamn classics in balck vynal and white piping and got them in the car straite away,lol.

Also purchased a jdm k11 rear silencer jap stylem and shuld sound nice with the turbo.

Also today i just ourchsed a set of cg13de cams form matt aswel.

Oh and its only 19 days till action day woo ho!!!!
anyways jdm is bits that come standrad on import cars i.e a march cup holder is jdm as the uk micra doesnt have one. last months maxpower is misleading as they said some rota slipstreams were jdm! people think jdm is another term for japstyle but its not.
Yes it is the JAPANESE DOMESTIC MARKET so therefore i am right as it was imported from japan by amy and its made for the k11!!

Today is the day the car goes in to Alan jeffreys!

havent got everything as i havent had alot of time and money so the scond weeks the car is in the garage for i shall be ordring a new cam chain kit and a twin core radiator!

Injectors arrived on saturday thanks to Ian, still need to purchase a fuel pressure regulator-adjustable bosst valve and some iridium sprk plugs, but im sure the tuner can get them for me!

My insurance is now 1,100 tpft becuase i saw no point insuring it for fully comp at 1,800 due to if the car got worte off i wuld just buy it back and swap the engiens over and start a new project!

So thsi 2 weeks i shall try my best to get pics of the build and post them up in stages, but seeing as it is in plymouht thats a hour drive each way,lol.


Well as u know i outbid Ant on them carbon door cards and they arrived this morning..they are brand new becuase they still smell abit,lol and they are a perfect fit and have no holes cut out yet so leaving me to do it myself which is good!


Good luck with fitting them!! Don't want to go making any silly mistakes lol!!
git git git...lol

naah good luck with fitting them, i couldnt afford them anyway.

im so much in debt actualy that im looking for a new job, maybe even moving to cornwall..lol

(who was it i was talking to about moving to cornwall on msn??)
lol, DOH
well, im thinking of getting a job down there. so see you soon hopefully. then all you southerners will be able to see two modded micras...lol
lol..... okies three..lol

cmon the cornwall micras...lol

just remembered my car is registered in south london anyway...lol
braught it all the way up here in lincolnshire..

Well after trip to aj's today i took some pics of my engine as it has been taken out and fully stripped down!

He aid he is having some trouble with getting the gujjet pins out to swap over the to the 1.3's!

Also he noticed how badly worn my cam chain was so we decided on a new one, also seeing my car so high at the front was bit of a shock,lol.







And a picture of his mustang thats highly tuned!

Awww, poor car!! Did he show you the 'worn' out engine bit's tho!!!

Bet that Mustang costs a bomb to run!!

Well i know im not the first person but im the second to purchase the new spax coilover kit from Matt!

Woop woop after ALOT of persuasion as Matt can tell you,lol i decide to purchase them as i felt i did not need to lower my car past 55mm and would rather the car have a nice ride height but yet still handle awesomely!

Well i dont have pics of them on my car yet as Mat hasnt received them himslef yet but they should be with me by end of next week!


Well went to see 'roxy' today and the engine is put back together now and looks alot nicer with its new pistons-cams and cam chain!

Monday/tuesday will see the engine going back into the car and the start of the fun part!

Pics of engine:



Looky what we have here! my coilover/damper kit arrived today 18kg woooo wasnt heavy though,lol.

And my decat pipe from 'japseye'!






check out the camber adjustment holes :) i might look into modifying my standard dampers like that, better idea that the whiteline bolts. kit looks good, it's a shame the rears arn't height adjustable.
Not guna bore you witht he isssues i had with parcel force and the intercooler ant sent me so here are updated pics of the progress mt tuner has made!

Also we have managed to use the ga16 fuel rail aswella s the injectors!





haha yeah ok thanks kev..umm yeah well my tuner quotes: "we work to a a standard and that standard is very high"

i might of seen them at japfest if u went!
The person who taught me had a saying and that was..........If a jobs worth doing then do it right..........................(me dad bless him)

Today i got bored so i decided to cut the holes in my door cards ready for wen my car comes back :)

bloody itchy stuff carbon fiber is grr!




I see a standard headgasket there. Did you not want to put something stronger on it?
well its upto my tuner to decide wat he thinks is best Ed.

And i asked around and noone made a metal gasket and my tuner doesnt like using copper gaskets.
the door cards look awesome dude, i wouldnt be too bothered about the window winders, looks fine as is imo.

now hurry up and get it back so i can see the beast! lol
cuz it looks cool :p

and weighs less than the original doorcards but still hides the inards of the door.

But Jas might have other reasons i guess..
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