Yeah, or if you put sand down the TB its like sand blasting the chambers o_0 fwnone thing that i done on my renault was to get the smallest vac tube you cabn get from the engine bay and put it in a coke bottle with water....
you may think ahhh watwer in engine but it steam cleans the insides of your engine and makes the combustion chambers spotless
a pressure gauge im guessing, The feed seems ok for mine too. and seemed to have plenty of pressure when i loosened to coupling whilst the engine was running (silly me).The head feed was fine for me martin, and what have you been advised to fit?
I'm using the stock fiesta return with a 16mm I.d silicone hose attached to a 16mm turbo return fitting bolted to the sump, surely that must be big enough ?;(
I've had it idling without it connected to the sump and it made a big mess on the floor
Bidding on a replacement t2 with no shaft play which ends tonight so should have this sorted by weekend hopefully providing I win it at reasonable cost
Cheers for the help stani mate
Yeah, that might be cool. il give you a bell mid weekOk mate cook, can do this weekend mate? I have lots of bits for you here cluttering up my garage mate
Have you got the gauge for your fpr yet?