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martboy21's k11 super s blog

u know im only joking with u- all i can say is hurry up and sell that piece of ####e 200sx and get a k11. And im always down the road to give u hand with anything. U just deserve the abuse because u sold the white k11 and i liked that car..............ANYONE ELSE WISH TO ABUSE MARTYBOY FOR HIS BIG BIG MISTAKE?
sleeper ss is dropping off the car this week so i thought id get started on a few bits whilst im waiting

swung by today and managed to save a seat rail from the depths of the crusher!!

sleepers work collegue and me butchered it until we were left with this


my recaro and s13/14 bride low seat rail( from japland) too wide and long and too expensive to start cutting so i removed it


the last stubbon rusted on allen key bolt that gave me problems on the bottom left!! Grrrr! breaker bar and friends allen key...sorted


the recaro, damn comfortable and sucks me in like a babys buggy seat


luckily the front two bolt straight in!! the rears are held on with pipe clamps for now but will get welded when i come to use the car properly. but for now , whilst the car is being "overhauled" it will hold fine

more soon....
Very true - bear in mind also, that a bog standard 1.3 micra is almost the same bhp per ton as a non-tub scooby!
Had quite a few unsuspecting chavmobiles off the lights since I got my Super S, and the result is always the same - pointing and laughing, quickly turning into pure disbelief :grinning:

Micras Rule![/quot
Yes mate the micras really are surprisingly quick!:) how do you find the difference between a normal mica and a super s micra? Is there a badge or something? Thanks....:)
Very true - bear in mind also, that a bog standard 1.3 micra is almost the same bhp per ton as a non-tub scooby!
Had quite a few unsuspecting chavmobiles off the lights since I got my Super S, and the result is always the same - pointing and laughing, quickly turning into pure disbelief :grinning:

Micras Rule![/quot
Yes mate the micras really are surprisingly quick!:) how do you find the difference between a normal mica and a super s micra? Is there a badge or something? Thanks....:)
if i was to start from scratch again, it would be, flywheel, exhaust mods, autosprint inlet cam, 1.6 throttlebody and raised compression ratio ( the bigger
t/b gives good gains when on gas, but can give complications when on petrol)
but this only applies if you diy (£200-£300) but non diy would cost well over a grand :eek:

Hi frank i have a 3.25 kg flywheel , is there anything i can do to lighten it more? Is it safe to take off more? Thanks matey :)

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