k12 is it the car for me

i have say 3-3.5k to spend on a cheap reliable (hopefully) economical car.

what sort of k12 should i go for its just to get me to work and back as the mrs has just got a new job so we need 2 cars again. id like it to have A/C and be good on fuel

can you help ?
go for that K10 version!! :p

sounds like your wanting the 1.2....very econmical and good on fuel...yet still pulls its wait
If you have taste..then no :p lol sorry but I just dont like the look of K12s. If economy is what you're after have you considered a pug 306 diesel? £3k could get you a really good one.
i dont like 306's they dont agree with my feet or knee's lol

im currently rocking a crappy mk2 1.4 ibiza but the mrs will use that

k10/11 are too old really

i was going to get a e46 330cd m sport after my wedding but this has kind of upset that plan for now :(
considered a pug 306 diesel? £3k could get you a really good one.

haha having a laugh aren't we! don't try and stir him away to the unreiable and very very poor build quality of the french!!! :p

K11s are very new for £3K!! you can get the 2003 model in the 1.3!
for the money you are willing to spend, k12 should be on your consideration list. though now i have learnt out of all jap makes, nissan is prob the worse with toyota and honda producing the best cars (quality wise).
i reckon k12 best looking and drives better go 4 it buddy :laugh: if you look about you may find one within budget.

what ever model be it k10 k11 or k12 you cant go wrong with a micra

i disagree with the above statement i had an mr2 toyota roadster they have engine issues with the precats breaking up and being sucked back into the engine killing the engine i had the precats removed i would not have to do that to a nissan lol, i still have a mk2 mr2 in a garage somewhere as a spare car i love it very much great fun car but i would never trust it like i would a nissan.i would also add the older simpler toyotas go on for ever but so do the nissans all in all i would say most jap cars are pretty good so what ever you go for go jap
tbh nissan were great until the french took over. but i have always had a sof spot for nissan more so than toyota/honda always loved the primera skylines and fast sunnys
huge influence in fact you dont see renault cars having nissan parts do you?
the alliance happened back in 1999 with renault holding 44% of nissan shares and nissan holding only 15% shares in Renault.

so theres your answer, on paper it is an alliance but we know who is wearing the shoes! :)
Get a late K11, (facelift) 98 onwards. Just because they're 11 years old at most doesn't mean they're any worse than when they came out the factory. There's some great examples out there.
i think we have scared him off now, but seriously for your money there are quite a few options around. Most jap superminis will be frugal, have air-con and be reliable enough to last you a good few years.

I think it comes down to personal preferences at the end of the day, i would highly suggest test driving them all and make a decision based on your findings.
no im still here ;) im quite glad your not all singing that they are fantastic no car is better etc i was sick of that on cliosport where the 172/182 is the best car ever made and nowt can compare or beat it lol

i think the k11 will always be known as the most reliable car ever made etc i just find it too basic and hard work on the motorway etc

just think the k12 will be a bit better for the airport runs etc m25 at rush hour in the summer when its hot in a car without ac no ta lol (i know some k11's had a/c)

the last car i had without ac at least had no roof although gave me very bad sunburn lol
http://www.sulaco.plus.com/random_photos/vx sale/the vx.jpg
i'd say get a RED 160 sr. 06 plate.

ok i'm biased, but the the 160 SR makes me grin like a idiot. i didn't get that with any other car i test drove for the money. Swift sport.. was ok... but not convincing and had a number of negatives.

it's a revvy, torquey, raspy little engine, and the chassis and ride are wonderfully poised.

the gearbox is firm, a little notchey, but easily thrown and changes nicely under load.

steering is direct, perhaps artificially heavy, but has plenty of feel, especially the understeer/ oversteer/ 4 wheel drift "vanishing point" starts to announce itself.

you will get a lot of B-road satisfaction with this car! the occasional chase from smug chaps driving solo in their family car typically ends with them disappearing from view in the rear-mirror.

you can happily get 30mpg thrashing it and 50mpg+ being gentle.

motorways are fine, unless you cruise at 90mph+ in which case the revs are near 4500. which is when the exhaust gets throaty.

the negatives are, as with any K12: rattly front windows when 1/2 way down. poor electrics esp. the CD multichanger. engine warning lights scaring the owner. etc.

I've suffered from 1 or 2 of these over time, but my dealer has always been able to resolve them.

Ah i can't wait for my Hereford -> Cornwall -> Sussex trip o'er christmas. I was happy to drive the SR :)
i drive a 1.0e micra k12 , i love driving it on the motorway and round the streets reliable and very nippy mate :O) love it but if you want to save petrol get a 1.2 :eek:)
you had a VX220 and you're gonna drive a micra now? the downgrade is a bit steep isnt it?

erm yeah but the wedding is making me drive cheaper cars

my car history is varied
first car
86 MK2 XR2
96 P11 primera si saloon
02 Mk2 Phase2 clio 172
54 Fabia Vrs
02 Ford Ka
54 Accord 2.4 executive
02 Vx220 N/A
54 Brabus Roadster coupe
98 Mk2 Ibiza 1.4
ooo i wanna ask what was the fabia VRS like? it really caught my eye but somehow i cant live through the badge. tell me all about it :)
tbh its a great car but depends what your after. its quick but not really fast well its only 130bhp but a remap gets that to 180bhp and the clutch will live you can get 190 with just a remap but clutch will go bye bye quickly its not the bhp thats the problem but the torque !

handling can be interesting it has lots of grip but is nose heavy due to the iron derv lump up front it tries to pull it straight on in corners resulting in under steer but as most fwd cars are set up to under steer anyway its not that much of an issue

brakes are tiny and not upto the job 285mm up front iirc a cheap and effective upgrade is the 312mm fronts off the octavia vrs golf gti audi TT etc that stops it very quickly

one of its main problems is the seat colour they get dirty quickly but a quick valet gets them looking new again.

its very well screwed together though and good on petrol i used to average low 50's but the mrs could do 70's !

here are some pics of mine










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