i'd say get a RED 160 sr. 06 plate.
ok i'm biased, but the the 160 SR makes me grin like a idiot. i didn't get that with any other car i test drove for the money. Swift sport.. was ok... but not convincing and had a number of negatives.
it's a revvy, torquey, raspy little engine, and the chassis and ride are wonderfully poised.
the gearbox is firm, a little notchey, but easily thrown and changes nicely under load.
steering is direct, perhaps artificially heavy, but has plenty of feel, especially the understeer/ oversteer/ 4 wheel drift "vanishing point" starts to announce itself.
you will get a lot of B-road satisfaction with this car! the occasional chase from smug chaps driving solo in their family car typically ends with them disappearing from view in the rear-mirror.
you can happily get 30mpg thrashing it and 50mpg+ being gentle.
motorways are fine, unless you cruise at 90mph+ in which case the revs are near 4500. which is when the exhaust gets throaty.
the negatives are, as with any K12: rattly front windows when 1/2 way down. poor electrics esp. the CD multichanger. engine warning lights scaring the owner. etc.
I've suffered from 1 or 2 of these over time, but my dealer has always been able to resolve them.
Ah i can't wait for my Hereford -> Cornwall -> Sussex trip o'er christmas. I was happy to drive the SR