K11 CGA3DE-T powered "Hello From Greece - Hellas"

Judging by this thread you wouldn't think there was a financial crisis in Greece at the moment, what a beast of a car! (Y)
unfortunatelly there is crisys over here....
thanks for your good words my friend....
the car was began to build at 2008...3 years later most of the expensive parts was allready bought...but with a litle free time to fit on...or with no money to pay to be fitted...
iam moving on right now and i have to sell the car...but because of the crisys i dont want to make it "gift" to anyone...
so all the parts of the car even the car itself are up for sale...if anyone wants anything from it...let my know...
the prices are gonna be very friendly..
chears mates...
Someone offer him a decent price so it doesn't get broken!:D

Ha that will never happen, unfortunately this beast of a car will end up broken and scraped which will be a crying shame considering the amount of work gone into it

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Maybe have a buy and sell thread? Shame about the country situation holding you back mate! Good luck with sale etc!

the lowest for the hole car (the car itself with all the staff on it and without taking out anything ) i was hopping to get about 7500 to 7200 pounds...
i think its a decent price for everyone (me and offcorse the future new owner...)
Maybe have a buy and sell thread? Shame about the country situation holding you back mate! Good luck with sale etc!


i know and you are right but i dont have the privileges to do that at the correct section....
unfortunatelly the thinks are going from worse to worse day by day...
and the most worse as we can here there are far away yet...we gonna be the poorest from all europe...
Ha that will never happen, unfortunately this beast of a car will end up broken and scraped which will be a crying shame considering the amount of work gone into it

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if iam not gonna sell it even in parts...iam gonna to deliver to the state the licance of the car and keep it until i am gonna have the money again to continue with it...
nothing is gonna be destroyed....
Well that's good to hear, would have hated to see this car broken down for spares after all the hard work that went into it
I really hope this car is not broken! Maybe take the engine out? Return shell to standard to make some money from it til you can rebuild?

Either way I hope it is looked after in it's future :)

Hello my friend! how's the engine running right now? I have a friend who wants to make a similar micra to your's

The engine works FINE...like new...
there is no problem at all!!!
no oil leaks no petrol leaks...nothing at all...everything is like the first day they were fited!!!
there are a lot of secrets that has to be discoverted to achieve the same quallity...
So £7200? A bit too much to be honest, i was going to buying dave bull's monster of an almera for £5500

speak free my friend...yes i know that this price looks much....
but thing that only the custom mad gearbox with the clutch axles etc cost me about 3700 pounds or maybe more...
i have allready took some parts from the car such like the Hotbits DT2 coilover some gauges and the gearbox with all the custom parts complete....i left only the clutch...
i have put the ad at 5000 euros (thats about 4300 pounds)....but that @#)!#@*@ crisis has melted as...nobody thinks to get a car...
maybe iam going to sell it in parts...sooner or later...

PS:the car works so fine that yesterday passed with fully success the MOT....when the taxis will come i will give away the licance and the number plates...then i will see what iam going to do...

you see iam allready unemployed..... :( :(
I never knew you had a beefed up gearbox too. As bad as it sounds youll get more from breaking the car. Ive done it on many occassions. List the parts you have and what price you would accept then add it up. Its just heartbraking and time consuming
I never knew you had a beefed up gearbox too. As bad as it sounds youll get more from breaking the car. Ive done it on many occassions. List the parts you have and what price you would accept then add it up. Its just heartbraking and time consuming

i wrote it is an older post of me...i had a PAR LSD gearbox installed on the car...
i know that iam gonna get much more money...but you see...i love this litle devil...i wanted to be alive just like i have done it...
we will see...
As i had wroten before...
the licance and the plates was delivered to the state...
but the car is still mine...and with all the parts fitted again...the only thing that is missing its the coilover's....
i love that car... i decided to kept it and when iam gonna have money again to give life back on it.
iam a litle romantic with it....i was unable to be separated from it....
i hope to be able soon to make it in working condition again...
damn crysis...
i feel so nostalgy about it...
i have allready to drive it about 4-5 months...iam missing it a lot...
iam looking at it everyday....i was unable even to start the engine...i was feeling guilty...
its the worst feeling i had ever (becides human lost-death or women problems :p hahahahahahahahaha)
i woke up in the morning and every morning iam saying to myself...."today is the day"....but that day
hasnt arrived yet.
just hopping that we gonna have some change...
two weeks ago....the car started again....
without licance or number plates...
i had to move it because they wanted to do some works on the street...
iam still smiling....the "walk" lasted only 5 minutes...but i rembered why i have done it...
that 5 minutes forgot all my problems...all the issues...i was only me and her....nothing more...nothing less...
i putted a task to my self....this years eve the car must be at streets again...
there will be an update...SOON....
Thanks a lot guys for your hopefully words....
I cant stop thinking that soon iam going to have her again on my hands...
I have bought new turbo (soon i will tell you what kind with fotos too...)
bigger intercooler...
and giving a thought to replace the link G3 ecu with a latest one G4-storm that is way too better than the one that i allready have...
iam just waiting the end of the month to be paid and see what iam going to do first

PS:sorry about that....
for sure its up to sale the exhaust manifold with its downpipe an the rest exhaust also the intercooler with some of the pipes...if anyone wants something feel free to ask
the prices going to be very low....
I have opened the engine to have a look inside it to see if there is any problem.....
and everything inside it is in PERFECT condition





we are ready for the big project...knowing that the heart of the car is in perfecte condition....
I had made many changes at the car...
finaly i bought new ECU ...i sold the Link G3 (i was a litle bit lucky) and bought a new Link G4 Storm that iam waiting to arrive
i have mad a custom bigger throtle.
I am going to do new exhaust manifold and iam going to change all the exhaust undernith the car with bigger pipes (70mm)i have allready made all the aditional orders that is needed and waiting some parts....
its a matter of time now to be out to the street again
with the motor like NEW (we replaced all the piston rings and conrod - crancksaft bearings) rebuilded it the head with the valves....
new head gasket...
and now just waiting to arrive the new things...i want to put a "3" to the first number of my power

ps:just asking something off topic....can anyone inform me how can i be member here (to pay i mean)...
I had made many changes at the car...
finaly i bought new ECU ...i sold the Link G3 (i was a litle bit lucky) and bought a new Link G4 Storm that iam waiting to arrive
i have mad a custom bigger throtle.
I am going to do new exhaust manifold and iam going to change all the exhaust undernith the car with bigger pipes (70mm)i have allready made all the aditional orders that is needed and waiting some parts....
its a matter of time now to be out to the street again
with the motor like NEW (we replaced all the piston rings and conrod - crancksaft bearings) rebuilded it the head with the valves....
new head gasket...
and now just waiting to arrive the new things...i want to put a "3" to the first number of my power

Is it just me or do you hear thunder and lightning when you get to the end of Jim's post?... :D

Good luck though.
the engine is a CGA3DE
its from the latest micra K11 (last facelift) and its with coils on it no with distibutor.
Its 1348cc like other quys told before me....the Nissan has advertised it like a 1.4liter car...but i believe to that is a 1.3...
like the starlet ones that has allmost the same cc (1340)
the power is at wheels...
you can achivie that kind of numbers if you put some good money on your engine...

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