K10 Jdm Rear Lights Super Turbo Gauges


Official MSC Trader
Hi everyone, some more parts for you, as ever I'll offer them here first if I don't get an offer I like they go to auction. I know it's just after christmas so my payment plan will be available, deposit now and pay later or pay in installments etc. I can post.

JDM k10 rear clusters with bulb holders and loom pigtails and bulbs. offers

super turbo dash pod with clock, volt meter and vacuum/boost gauge supercharger light. Offers

Super turbo dash cluster showing 87k km with 8k tacho, includes loom pitails for easy wiring. offers


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Nor do I, if it goes too high in price, I bail. That's not loosing thats the other person paying to much and me winning! :p
well to give you guys an idea each of those items has cost me around £45, that's for buying price japan shipping uk shipping and tax. They aren't meant to be big earners for me, just something that I thought the club will benefit from. But saying that I will take the highest offer lol, feel free to pm me if you wish.
Speedo Cluster

Hi all, i know the speedo cluster has probably gone now but does anyone know where i might get 1? id be willing to pay £50 :grinning:
rear light clusters + turbo guage?

hi amy, if they havent gone yet I'll pay £200 for the rear light clusters + the turbo tacho

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