judge the diffiuculty of a job ...


Ex. Club Member
I know its hard to say how difficult somthing is as some people think some things are easy that others would struggle with but i want to remove my dash board. I've already technically got the steering wheel out as i put a custom boss kit jobby on which is easy to remove and no passanger air bag so im thinking it wont be too difficult ?
Removing it I imagine is quite simple. Removing it without causing any damage to it might be harder.

Have you checked the Haynes manual, they have the little spanner rating thing. I can't seem to find mine to check for you.
its 4/5 in haynes but i dont like using that as a difficulty guide because it says i must be an expert which im not but i still like to think i could remove a dash ^^
i did. we got given a scrap micra to get bits off etc and the dash is something i thought id have a go at. i emptied pretty much everything including the dash.

wasnt that hard. fiddly, but ok. helps loads that you dont have an air bag.
just take your time. remove center console and other remaining bits just leaving the dash. couple screws at the top (under a cover/clip) and think one down the side of the door.....hold on a minute.....you have haynes lol!!!

ull be fine!
i have done it about 6 times on different micras, including facelifts with twin airbags etc

i would say it is easy,

lets say you split the dash in half, the screws are mirrored on the other side,

you have one at the top under a little flap, thats the hard one to get at because getting the flap off in the first place is hard,

then you have one on the very side, this is under the door seal rubber, you should see it with the door open

then there is one at the bottom, you will see it if you get under the dash,

another one behind the centre console. to get at that you will have to undo the centre console, (two screws above the stereo, two behind the ash tray then carefully unclip it from the top) you will also have to unscrew the heater controls (4 black screws)

now all of that is mirrored on the other side, but there is still more,

you have to take out the tray from under the steering wheel (two screws) then you have to take off the steering wheel surround, (4 screws on the bottom one of which is under the angle adjustment lever) and take of the indicator stalks, (clips or screws depending on age) then you can take off the guage cluster, (two screws at the bottom NOT the two above the needles)

then take out the cluster (three screws, one at the top two at the bottom) and unplug everything (Squeeze the speedo cable to release) and behind all that you will find the final screw which is on the left hand side behind the cluster,

then, providing you have unplugged everything, it should lift out, obviously taking the steering wheel off too.

it sounds like a lot of work, but i have taken many out in the scrap yard without breaking anything, in 15 min

its about just looking and seeing whats holding it in place, there is nothing hidden,
Forget the difficulty of the job. If you're willing to do it properly, you can achieve whatever it is you want to achieve. Don't let a book tell you if you're capable or make you question yourself if you're capable of accomplishing something.
Forget the difficulty of the job. If you're willing to do it properly, you can achieve whatever it is you want to achieve. Don't let a book tell you if you're capable or make you question yourself if you're capable of accomplishing something.

finally someone who gets it lol,

its all a learning curve, that should be the fun of car mechanics, to have a go and find out for yourself, books take the fun out of it

i have a haynes, i haven't used it lol
haha, me and nex did it F1 stylee in the scrappy the other day, must ahve been about 5-10mins in the end.
haha, me and nex did it F1 stylee in the scrappy the other day, must ahve been about 5-10mins in the end.

yea, i learned that cos its actually harder to try and rip it out of the car. not like that hyundai accent, getting that blue box was a doddle lol
Surprisingly easy.I had the benefit of practising on a scrapper.
Why you taking it out,for painting?I'm doing mine soon but I can mask it in the car quicker than taking it out...
thanks for the advice im going to give it a go now and yes sleeper ss im painting it black and a bit red to match the door cards i did the other week.

Was pleased with the result so i figure the dash has to follow :D
Don't forget to use some plastic solvent (easiest) or plastic primer before you paint it.
Going to find time this week to do mine...
i used plastikote primer painting it sleeper ss , it would have been easy enough just like the door panels but one of the previous owners must have used a cleaning spray or somthing to make the dash shiney and it bubbled like crazy on my first attemt ... on second go i sanded it down twice as much and washed it thoroughly and its taken and is back in the car although it could look a lot better im still pleased with it

and thanks for the advice on the dash every one!! :)

ill post some picks up of it finished when i get back from work


the finished product :)
OOps yeah that's a nightmare.Anything that makes a dash shiny is sillicone based,paint hates sillicones & causes the fish-eyes.
Detergent & panel wipe gets rid of most of it but it usually always appears again somewhere.You can sometimes "paint them out" when you realise there's a problem by dusting the paint slowly/thinly over the sillicones,a heat gun helps a lot with this.
People panic when it reacts & try putting on more paint,don't matter how much you chuck at it won't cover.
I'm gonna clean mine extra carefully!

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