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Japseye,s Micra rebuild


Buy & Sell Member
Well it has to begin somewhere so it might as well be now. I acquired this k11 about 3 weeks ago along with its faults so as its now the eve of my week and a half of annual leave ie holls. The garage has been cleared of a years worth of crap and other bits and bobs. My intentions are to remove the coilpack engine and looms and replace it with a nice 1.3 unit, now as I was unable to find a scrap car ie facelft with the correct looms ive had to use prefacelift so along the way I will have to do a little in house soldering to make the job work anyway for now here,s a few pics as she is now come tommorow she will be totally stripped out...


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i was about to say that...not sure why you would swap? maybe bacause cg13 engines are cheaper? it will be good to see if it can be done, iam sure it can :)
I believe it is due to the problems with the car and the unavailablility of CGA engines. CG engines are more easily and cheaply tuned aswell ;)
engine thats in there at the moment is the 10ltr and what a pile it is, 35k on the clock and flat its an uphill struggle to get anywhere when its cold, So as its my first taste of the coilpack type engined micra I was totally not impressed so im rolling back as they do in asda lol..........and im fitting a low milage cg13 and looms from a prefacelift just to make it a bit harder as i love the chalenge (not) and just to make it more interesting im removing the electronic speedo and replacing with mechanical clocks and cable not because i want to but as ive allready got the ecu and stuff there is no point buying more..so now you know what im doing next pics will be of micra stripped
so I missed out a . no need to be prodantic. Its a crap coilpack engine under a 1000cc and yes it would be easier to fit the 1.4 coilpack engine if you can find one and then if you do the price is way over the top this way is just as effective and will be just as quick. Im not losing any sleep over it i know it seems a tad drastic but its not.....AND peter if your reading LAMBDA sensor
Are you refering to me? I was just laughing at 10ltr, just a joke.
Oh and its pedantic....to be procise :laugh:

as was I but lets not argue over spilt milk eh! changeover is progressing interia is almost out just waiting for peter to bring sockets over to remove steering wheel airbag unit then I will be removing wireing thing I noticed when under bonnett is that the wiper motor will need changing as the plugs arnt the same just another little set back but as im not that far into yet there is no need to worry will be posting some pics later....
interia out looms on there way out progressing nicely........
Time for some lunch I think before I continue


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Just noticed starter motor on other side of gearbox dont know if this is going to make much differance in the rebuild or if I might have to sorce another box or not time will tell when I get the engine out later today or early in the morning, im thinking that I should be able to just swap flywheel over to make it right as im assuming that these two engines share the same block, or it may foul the inlet manifold anyway if it works it works if it dont then time to get another gearbox.
ken, if you swop the f/w etc, you could probably run the cg13 as a coilpack eh, how different are the plugs on the t/b,s ?
totally differant frank: if I need another gearbox its ok as my mates yard has 3 in I would rather find a way to use the one I have as its only done 30k so its as new but if needs must then so be it, also with the coilpack engine there are lots of other sensors that are not presant on the cg13, any way lol theres no going back now and I will know tommorow if its going to work or not ie mate up. Im doing no more today unless my mate comes down tonight then maybe I will remove coilpack engine ready for saturday...
Engine and box now removed and split and after reading on forums about what gearbox fits what engine I was a little unsure if what I wanted to do would work anyway I removed the flywheel from 1ltr coilpack along with the clutch, I then removed flywheel and clutch from the 1.3 unit after removal of this I tried the clutch plate onto splines of gearbox and this was found to be a good fit so with this been a heavier clutch it was decided to use this plate along with the flywheel from the coilpack engine this would allow me to use the starter motor from the coilpack engine also. So state of play at the moment is engine and gearbox is assembled with just the alternater and power steering pump to fit in morning before I refit engine and box into car, its been a long day but well worth the effort. And to mention my good mate rob whose help is greatly appreciated.
As you can see from the pics the engine I took out has some major stress cracks in it maybe it was a godsend that this engine was crap and spurned me into changing it.


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Have you heard the saying dont count your chickens before they hatch well it applies here gearbox is of no use in this type of conversion to start with the speedo drive is huge in comparison to the cable type I intended to use so no speedo, I could have lived with that but there is also no neutral sensor for replacement loom to plug into and according to haynes manual it forms part of the engine managment on the 1.3 so before I can progress with this build I need to sorce a gearbox, which is a shame as I had it fitted ready to run looms in so untill I can locate one asap its come to a complete stop....
Decided this morning to continue with the wireing of looms for the conversion and hit a small snag that someone will sure to be able to answer for me: The looms im running in have the connecters for the front seat belt tensionors as did the loom I took out but the loom I removed the connecters were at top of seat belt unit and the run formed part of the loom, with the loom im running in the connecters have a short run from loom then a plug to plug into seatbelt unit this falls way short of it goal so given that the ecu unit im using is also geared up to run front seat belt tensioners is it a must for these to be connected what faults will it throw up if any or do I also need to change the seat belts in front of car so these items function correctly..........

Nats kicked in so its full stop again someones stole my luck...!
Its been a long two days and trying to use nats looms and ecu was a total waste of time, so today 4 hours was spent trawling through scrap yards looking for a none nats micra I found only one, and that was a 1.0ltr so with my back against the wall Ive had to use the looms and ecu from that, anyway I finnished running those in this evening and for now I will have to run the 1.3 engine on the 1.0ltr ecu it will have to do for now until I turn up a 1.3 unit. Tommorow will see the gearbox and maybe the dash board go back in im undecided as to use the facelift dashboard or go retro and fit a prefacelift dashboard as this would make life easier in the long run time will tell...........

with regards to using the looms and ecu from a nats enabled car I would say its not a good idea I tried 3 combinations of ecu transponder ring and chips from the key and they all failed to work, and the kicker was that the cars they were removed from all started before I removed them and the loom I was using was also from one of those cars, why they failed is a mystery to me, So anyone doing this sort of conversion or even thinking of it if you want to save yourself a lot of heartache then sorce some none nats looms and ecu or be prepared to pay nissan £100 + to recode everything unless your lucky of course. I also have an issue with using 1.0ltr looms in that the 1.3 gearbox I want to use has a neutral switch and a reverse switch both have two wires running to them however the 1.0ltr loom caters for the 1.0ltr box that has on 1 switch to do both and has four wires running to it hopefully tommorow with franks help I will rezolve this, as I would rather retain the 1.3 box instead of replacing it with a 1.0ltr unit other issues are wiper motors arnt the same but thats easy fixed and lights are different plugs again easy fixes dashboard well thats another issue all together but im hopefull.
Work is progressing nicley now looms are all in place and tied up engine is in place and gearbox will be done this morning hopefully later today will see the dash go back in and maybe the interia we will see, then all thats left after that is the rewiring of lights ect which should only take an hour or so....
Today saw the completion of the engine bay with the gearbox and rad getting fitted so all thats left to do now is some minor rewiring for the lights and indicators plus all the interia to refit fluids to put in drive shafts to tighten up and I need to sorce a steering wheel as the boss kit I bought dont fit correctly other than that its all good come friday it will be completed and I will post some pics....
completed today HOORAH all working as it should be all thats left to finish is doorcards and the wireing for headlights and tail lights my custom made panel for the switch,s looks as if it was ment to be there engine bay finished expept my cam cover that will be done tommorow but its been a long 7 days but well worth the effort i think, steering colum surround has been sorted now as in the pics its a little off centre and i managed to use the centre boss so thats a plus as well.........


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Is it ? well im dumb struck I was just looking for a cheap fix lol and whilst im here i will tell you how much its cost.
engine I allready had
gearbox £50.00
looms £20.00
steering wheel and boss £25.00
washer bottle £2.00
bits and bobs £23.00
total around £110.00 plus my labour
D day at last took car out minus a few door cards ect and drove it a few miles, god its nice to have a 1.3 again.......so much better than the 1.0ltr that was in there all was ok so parked it up in drive 30 mins later i started her up and she was reving up slightly then dying down then up and down whilst on tickover, now I dont know if this is due to the 1.0ltr ecu unit or something else maybe some member may know whats up with it..apart from that it drives perfect and dosent do it whilst on the move or maybe you just cant tell i dont know.
well done ken, you,re the man :cool:
it probably just needs the tickover setting, (as in, remove t/p/s plug set the idle, then refit)
This morning saw the completion of the engine bay with a little light cosmetic work along with the rest of the car. So now all the mechanical work and electrical work has been completed anything else thats left to do is purley cosmetic, I have been using the car since yesterday morning and what a differance I would say that the 7 days it took me to do this was worth every knuckle grating hour. There is a very steep bank around where I live (Lanchester) and with the old 1.0ltr coilpack in I struggled to make it over the top in 3rd gear at 40mph to test the new 1.3 I went up in 4th could have done it in 5th but decided to leave it in 4th at a speed of around 70 to 75 mph huge differance, anyway some pics of final build...............


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This weekend saw the completion of the spraying and fitting of the rear spoiler nothing fancy just your bog standard sr spoiler.......now either im losing my mind or what but got the rattle cans colour matched and its completly the wrong shade.........didnt see this of course until I pulled the car out of the garage so now I will have it all to do again, whats worse is I bonded the darn thing on so it means lots of masking around tailgate area ho hum..........on the plus side I collected my alloy wheels and this week will see the start of the refurb on those I know I mentioned ivory lol i wasnt going down that path but have decided on two tone blue and silver with a touch of silver and maybe red metal flake in the clear coat should be different if nothing else.
Just been reading this to remind me of what i went through when doing this lol, so if anyone wants this conversion done just ask...........
Great work on the car mate. thats one hell of a job. now why didn't anyone point me to your thread when my 1.4 coilpack engine blew? then again I supose I was luck to get the replacement engine. I would have been so gutted if i scrapped it and found your thread today :D

Hows she running now mate? done anymore work on her? or plan to for the new year?
dont intend doing anything to it car is running sweet as sweet can be, and is now up for sale. Ive just got better from a re occuring leg injury due to my bike days and driving a manual car just keeps messing it up i was toying with the idea of fitting a auto box in there but easier to sell it and buy a auto i think. When i got the car engine was goosed and i did locate another 1ltr coilpack engine but they wanted £400 for it, as i allready had the 1.3 engine it was cheaper for me to re loom and fit that.. I think given that these coilpack engines are very soft in my opinion this was a better option plus once done you can sorce any amount of 2nd hand units. There is however a downside and that is its a full weeks work basicly your dismantling your car to a shell then rebuilding it. I would be happy if anyone wanted to go down this route and they supplied looms engine box ect to do the work for £400 now that may seem a lot of money but when you take into account what you have to do its not that expensive. Im sure it will have been done again by now but it was good to have the only one even if it were only for a while.
Just been reading up on this as ive just been engaged to do another one so work will start on it this weekend but theres no rush to get it done as the kid can only pay me weekly so it will be done in small bursts lol....
like the work
true the 1.3 just makes the k11 feel like..........taking other cars on...............cause you can..if you want
would recomend 1.3 all day long!!!! and the uphills.....just smooth
you cant knock the 1 point engine cause its still very reliable

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