Insurance quote from Adrian Flux

I asked for a quote off Adrian Flux for my K11 with the modifications declared, smoothed bodywork, lowered, induction kit and alloys, I declared my 3 points for speeding nearly 2 years ago and informed them of a claim against me due to an accident that was my fault, now bear in mind that I am 44, have 10 years protected NCB, live in a low crime post code area have the car thatcham 1 alarmed and immobilised, park on my driveway and that at the end of the day it's only a 1.3 Micra, the best they could come up with was this,
Thank you for requesting an insurance quotation from Adrian Flux Insurance, the UK's top specialist motor broker. From the details provided we can provisionally offer a price of £1007.46.
After I stopped laughing and picked myself up off the floor I sent them this reply,
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, your having a laugh, bye bye.
Everyone raves on about Flux but they have done nothing but been arsey with us on our quotes.

Not quire so bad as hastings direct quoting us 2.5k on a 2.0 primera o_O Jog on matey, ill keep paying 600 with privilege!!
I only got a quote coz people were banging on about them, I'll stay with Swinton insurance for £380 a year I think.
ive got a quote from bell insurance for £700..... for a mazda RX7 Twin Turbo Type R, im 23, 2 years no claims... very high crime rate area...

my micra is £640 a
Fluz are crap, quoted me £2500 for my old red Micra with mods declared.

I phoned sky for a quote on the Turbo Micra I will be getting from Kristian and it was £1500 in my own name, 1 yr no claims and all mods declared.
enter your details into .........
I was with churchills renewal for micra was 160 quid done the confused thing and got it for 120 quid but thats not all after the first month with post office insurance i got a 50 quid refund cash back so insurance works out at 70 quid for the year so cant be bad......
Nothing wrong with being 44, or any age, and "kitting" up a Micra, or any car.
I'm old enough to be sonic's father but, rather than play bowls or poke around in the garden, I like working on my Super S and messing around in scrapyards.

The insurance companies know they have you younger gents with your modified cars by the short hairs, especially ones like Flux who might think you've tried everywhere else and they're your last resort.

Never mind, sonic, keep the car a few more years and you might be able to get a pretty good price with Saga, like me.

Nice quote that! :laugh:

I'm 40, have 10 yrs NCB 6 points
I had a quote for a 850cc reliant which came in at £600....the car was only worth £100. Then i had a quote for the Group 18, 2L, Mitsi FTO which came in at £220....(Tpft)

Car Insurance is overpriced for most people. Accidents do happen but i reckon they shell out far far less than they make otherwise they wouldn't be in Business in the first place.

Scrapyards are fun! (Y)
ive got a quote from bell insurance for £700..... for a mazda RX7 Twin Turbo Type R, im 23, 2 years no claims... very high crime rate area...

my micra is £640 a

Bell are really good. I'm 21, 2 years no claims, 3 years on the road and my insurance was £400 for my K10. Pretty good I think.
1.0 k11 s x-reg worth 2.5k according to the insurance company, no mods declared no ncbs 21: £1100, actually pretty good, anyway gearbox dies so its off the road, picked up a 1989 1.2 k10 GS for £100 and that how much i told the insurance when i wanted to transfer it over, increased by £200 for the remaining 6 months! lol
mmm this may be problematic for me then lol...for the price differences between compaines, will they replace your modifications or just return it to standard (like most seem to do).
try they are usually quite good!

Mine is £1450 no mods declared! thats with quinn-direct. there quite good for young drivers, same with liverpoolvictoria!

and the fact soooo many micra have been written off by young chav drivers, it just puts it up and up!:(
Well i just tried bell and they asked my cheapest quote so I said £1500 to see if they would beat it and they said £2012.50 TPTF
I live in band c as well so I should be cheaper. The car isn't even worth it.
£1007.46. is well cheap my insurance is £1650 with no mods.
Not when you consider sonic is 44, that quote is laughable. I'd nearly laugh at that price at my age! I paid £450 for a year for the Almera on!

olly, try if you havent already, along with as they aren't on confused.
my last qoute from flux was only £300 sonics is insane to say the least. (before the car came off the road)

i decided to get a quote seeing as i need it insured soon, but also cos this thread popped up...and the results are :

well ive just done and because of the modifications my car has (see where im going with this :D) out of the 40odd results all bar 4 or 5 (because of a technical error) rejected my request for an insurance qoute... :D :D :D i guess im ######ed

tbh i wasnt suprised mainly as quite a few of the modification check boxes were ticked when i was finished. i guess i better keep looking.

i also did but it doesnt seem to have a section to declare mods so all my qoutes were abnormally low...guess i'll see what flux say.
Not when you consider sonic is 44, that quote is laughable. I'd nearly laugh at that price at my age! I paid £450 for a year for the Almera on!

olly, try if you havent already, along with as they aren't on confused.

thnx but I might go with tesco, they are the only company that will let me do monthly payments at my age, other companies won't cos people get their cover note thingy and stop paying apparently.

I'm tired of being put in 'that group', insurance should be individual, they charge enough.
thnx but I might go with tesco, they are the only company that will let me do monthly payments at my age, other companies won't cos people get their cover note thingy and stop paying apparently.

I'm tired of being put in 'that group', insurance should be individual, they charge enough.

WELL SAID THERE!! (last bit)

when i was hunting round for cheap insurance it was in the £2000-£3000 mark range! just because im a young male driver! only paid £170 for my micra! so dont know why insurance has to be so high! So thats why my dad put me on one of his policies (for 1st year of driving, through college)

Plus the companies that say they focus on helping younger drivers, are sexist! They help females aged 17+ and males aged 19+. I know plenty of female drivers that drive way worse than me! Not that im puttin female drivers down, i just dont understand why they are being sexist there towards male drivers! Should be EQUAL RIGHTS!!:unclesam:

For Me Adrian Flux is only £240 TPFT:.....

K10 1.0 ('K' 1992)
I am 30
3 penalty points
Live in Northeast
Front wheels bigger
MSC stickers
Rear seats removed
All tyres low profile & wider
All suspension lowered 35mm
Fully customised exhaust system including 421 manifold
+25bhp Nitrous Oxide fitted
Valued for insurance purposed £2000

(all modifications declaired)
(I realize I'm probably creating a rod for my own back with this post but never mind.) A short article in the Daily Mail yesterday stated that because of the increase in old age related accidents, the DVLA is advocating the retesting of drivers age 70 and over (about dam time, I hear most of you grumble). Evidentally, and surprisingly, the percentage of accidents caused by drivers in this age group has now overtaken the percentage of accidents caused by younger (no ages given) drivers. Though I always understood it to be the other way around. If the statistics are correct, then why do drivers in the older age group pay so much less than younger drivers?

The disparity in insurance fees charged or quoted in this thread is really astonishing. Two thousand pounds is a staggering amount to have to pay for the privilege of driving a car. Yet a few of you, in the same age group, seem to be paying much more reasonable rates. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to it all.

And, incidentally, I agree that older drivers probably should have to go through some kind of retest when they reach that magic number. Reactions, eyesight, hearing, etc. do deteriorate with age (you'll all find that out). I've got a few years to go yet but when I get there I'll willingly que up with the millions of other old geezers (the system will be swamped if they manage to pass a law) and have a go. Although I'm confident I could pass the road test, I would definately have to bone up on the written part. Given cold, today, however, I wonder how many on here, age unimportant, could pass it?

I didn't bother with flux due to things i've heard about them, so tried Sky insurance which was £400, with the car valued at £1000 but no ice cover. I've decided to stay with tesco which this year is £200, all mods and some ice covered.
i sent emails to quite a few companies about their gender biasd prices and was told by more than one of them that although young women have more claims than young men the ammount claimed is usualy low (parking dings etc...) were as blokes seem to crash properly and claim a lot more moneys worth!
yeah butta, ive heard that also...

sonic id give flux a ring (even if its just to understand where they are coming from), as yesterday i spoke to them and to be fully comp with all my modifications declared (supercharger, suspension, etc etc) and covered for like for qoute was less than you recieved...the only difference i can see is the speeding and accident you declared, as ive not got anything like that on my license.
I'm 43 & insured through Adrian Flux. I used to own a kit car years ago & I've just sort of stuck with them - they've always given me competitive quotes. Before the Micra (I've had it less than a week) I drove a 1990 Audi coupe quattro which cost me £315/year fully comp with protected no claims bonus. The quote I got for the Micra (unmodified 1998 1.3 GX) was £197 with the same level of cover but with my girlfriend added to the policy as an extra driver (my excess is high though at £350!). I should also point out that I don't live in a brilliant area of Leeds & the car is parked on the street (no garage) most nights. Oh yes I've got 3 points on my licence too as I was caught by a camera while driving my dad's Merc :( but I've not had an accident in donkeys years :)!

So on the strength of that I think I'll stick with Fluxy for a while yet though I'm sure it'll cost me more than £197 next year - insurance always goes up whether you make any claims or not. Considering all the flooding there's been this year I'm sure all insurance (home, contents, car etc) will go through the roof :(!!
I've got, 26 yrs old, 3 points on license, 0 NCB, mods declared on a 1.2 K12, highest level crime rate postcode and I only pay £490. But being female I would get lower insurance, lol.
£7036.00...i just pooped myself, i wish i had a mouthful of tea just so i could spit it out when the page came up....

quotes way over priced...

been getting around £1000 all day long...

23, 6years NCB, No Convictions, fairly good postcode...

dont see how they can quote that...


  • Photo-0014.jpg
    877 KB · Views: 213
Firstly: ARGH!!!! wtf, do they think honestly think someone would choose that.

Secondly: did you take a photo of your PC screen? If so why didn't you hit the print screen button and paste it into paint?
Firstly: ARGH!!!! wtf, do they think honestly think someone would choose that.

Secondly: did you take a photo of your PC screen? If so why didn't you hit the print screen button and paste it into paint?

didnt PrtScrn but took a shot to send my gf by mms, she's at work and we are currently looking to save up for a house... so i have to run all purchases through her first...

obviously she said wtf! also...

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