Insurance HELP

k11 kid

Ex. Club Member

Right i have my test on monday so insurance needs to be looked at.

Direct line have been my cheapest so far quoting 1800 (Roughly) for me on my 2002 1ltr k11
with a pass plus it will drop another 10% or so but considering a pass plus works out at about another £150 and its only going to save me £200 i dont see much point.

BUT Driect line dont insure people under 25 to have modifications so id be stuck all i want to do is lower wheels tints exhaust and induction.

so does anyone know an insurance company who will insure those mods fully comp for me (im 18 by the way). adrian flux will only insure mods third part and wont offer fully comp until over 21.

any help is appreciated companies with online quote system preffered. i dont mind paying a high premium (because of my age) but anything over 1800 is to much.


when i did pass plus it reduced mine by 30% or something like that :S see if adding a female driver brings it dwn aswell as mine did :)
my insurance went from £2000 to £1200 with pass plus with norwich union, im only tpft tho, you deffo wanna go fully comp, my mate has a 1999 k11 1.0 and his is paying £1600 fully comp with a years no claims.
there is not much point in fully comp because you never get back enough.....

having said that i'm fully comp :p
try adrian flux mines a 02 k11 the same as yours and am 19 and
its £1600 and thats fully comp with all my mods and the pass
plus thing
Try admiral, i drive a k10 and my insurance is £682. have held licenece for a year, however first time quote is in my name so i have 0 no claims bonus, was under my mums name last year. also im 18 and thats with my alloys declared.admiral were half the price of everyone else including norwich union!
you could always haggle, or tell them you've got a cheaper quote elsewhere, that's what i did. Was quoted £1,200 for my sr so i told them i'd been quoted 800 elsewhere and they called me back with a quote of £740 :D
k11 kid said:
with a pass plus it will drop another 10% or so but considering a pass plus works out at about another £150 and its only going to save me £200 i dont see much point.

pass plus doesn't just serve as a discount scheme you know!

anyway, searches many companies for you and brings back the best ones. everyone i know has found their cheapest quote through this.
ok thanks all for your input has been most helpful, alot of the companies youve suggested i have tried and have been expensive my cheapeest from was £2500. adrian flux will only insure me TPFT which isnt much good considering ive got a 4 year loan to clear. after alot of thought and some further investigation ive decided to go with norwich union on there rapid bonus pass plus scheme so then i will have 1 years NCB automatically and a second in a further nine months which will basically half my insurance from the day i get a policy. so IF i pass on monday then it wont be till at least the weekend before im on the road, going to try and get my instructor to do either 2 hours a day for the week to get the pass plus or do it in 2 days if he has the time. so guys and gals wish me luck and thanks for your input might be a good idea to to a Q&A section on insurance and collate the information from the few recent posts about it.


i'd make sure you know all the facts about that fast ncb scheme. because although they'll give you 2 years no claims for instance in 18 months, its unlikely you'll be able to transfer to that "2 years" to another insurance company which you would probably want to do because don't forget generally your insurers renewal quote will be pants.
my insurance on a 2000 1.0l with tescos was meant to be 1700 fully comp but with pass plus paid around 1200...(back when i just turned 18(tescos counted my pass plus as a kinda 1yrs ncb so the yr after i got the same quote which was still better than every where else) alot depends on area some areas no matter which company u with its usually very high...there was a big list of the area codes n insurance companys hanging around here not that long ago i think...("might" b in the similar threads u prob c at bottom of this thread)

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