So the coilovers have been fitted for a week, and im very happy with them, the ride isnt harsh or crashy atall, just a bit rebound happy, but i can live with that. One thing i had niticed was a really irratic squeaking on the offside somewhere, thought it may have been an anti roll bar bush or wishbone bush complaining about the new position, had a look today and realised it was the corsa top bup getting up close and personal with the top of the turret. I had read on here that they catch but forgot about it when it came to the fitting. The solution, well i just re-shaped them on the bench grinder
From this
to this
Also had a quick go at the N15 airbox. Removed the old one and then went about re-locating the charcoal canister. I was going to remove it completely and block up the holes on the inlet manifold, but i was a bit weary of the open pipe from the tank filling the engine bay with vapour, so i ended up just moving it. Took it out, removed the bracket, re-fitted it at a 90 degree angle plumbed it all back in, fits a treat and gives a load of clearence for the airbox, almost looks stock
Only other issue i had was the case breather, going to find some pipe in work so i can get them to match up. may cut the 90 bend pipe off the cam cover so its straight, will make things easier. so for now im back to the K11 airbox, but with the resonator removed, sound much better allready hehe
oh, also dont forget to block up the vac pip on the bottom of the N15 box, steel nipple need tweaking