Doesn't it Suck?

When you sell your car to a person who treats it like ####? - I sold my 100NX to my next door neighbor, who ragged it and drove it when he was drunk. Let his kids sit on the bonnet and jump all over the T-Bar roof. Then he sold it to his friend, but the friend and her boyfriend broke up. He stole the car and dumped it near my house, with the windows open and he took the keys.

So everytime I drive out of my area. I see my NX sitting there with it's funking windows open in the middle of the road. It's going to be taken and impounded or something. This is so lame.
That must suck, i've only had the one car so far but i'll be interviewing the buyers to make sure it goes to a good home i think lol.

Have you reported it to the police as being abandoned?
Once its sold what does it really matter? May seem a bit shallow, but truth is once its gone you have had the enjoyment and money from it you wanted and should no longer be concerned what happens to it next. lol.
but if i sold my mountain bike for £3000.......and saw someone roll it under a truck. i would have to cry...even if i had the money, its the sentiment and love behind it. (get a load of this love-in) lol
Yeah I know but if something means that much then don't part with it! Even so eventually everything is going to end up in the scrap bin haha.
People don't just get rid of things cause they dont want them, i'm sure people would keep every car they'd owned if they could afford to lol
Yeah I know but if something means that much then don't part with it! Even so eventually everything is going to end up in the scrap bin haha.

yearh but somtimes you have to part with it, money issues and what not, look at antoney and his turbo kit, iam sure that means alot to him but he has to part withit because of money issues etc...

i would be sad to see my car go, it doesnt help that its been in my familiy since 03 when swiper first brought it and its been to most micra shows and meets back in the day.... history and that lark. also ive seen it have loads of work done and blood and sweat put into it, its had 3 engines in the last past 3year!
Once its sold what does it really matter? May seem a bit shallow, but truth is once its gone you have had the enjoyment and money from it you wanted and should no longer be concerned what happens to it next. lol.

I'm concerned because I sold the car so I can help out my parents with their monetary problems. I didn't get anything in return for selling it. This is why it bothers me.. drove all the way to Birmingham for it, from London.
I know how you feel, it is without doubt one of the things most if not all people will suffer from whether they admit to it or not. It's the time and effort that has been put in.

If everyone treated their Car like your neighbour then we wouldn't worry about who put a dent or 3 on it in a car-park and my Car Insurance would be cheap as hell!
People shouldn't get so attached to material objects. You must have had some idea what the bloke was like before you sold it to him.
your neighbour realy respects you afterall (not) :-(

sucks! especialy since I'm a budding fan of the 100NX

totally feel for you mate ( some Sammo-Sympathy comming your way) :-( !!!!
Yeah I know but if something means that much then don't part with it! Even so eventually everything is going to end up in the scrap bin haha.

no i wont believe it!!! my cars will live forever!!! new shell, new engine, it can be saved! lol
I know how you feel, it is without doubt one of the things most if not all people will suffer from whether they admit to it or not. It's the time and effort that has been put in.

If everyone treated their Car like your neighbour then we wouldn't worry about who put a dent or 3 on it in a car-park and my Car Insurance would be cheap as hell!

Amen to that! Cha ching :D

I sympathise deeply, but there are examples on both ends of the scale that can irritate you. Like seeing someone on the brink of going on a killing spree all because they have spotted a ding in the door of their new car (past example).

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