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Still need to drill it out but...


More updates

Just as I was leaving for the garage this turned up....


Forgot to get some gaskets so haven't fitted it yet

Finally sorted my panhard rod...


Haven't got pictures but sorted my brake servo with the help of some araldite and I've fixed the heater control just need to put the wires back in place
As long as he gets away with it I dont mind :rolleyes:
We have 3 b&q tape measures....
Anyways... has charlie got a new exhaust?
Right where to start....

Went to fit the exhaust but need a couple of washers or the bolts go straight through

And I need a new brake servo my "fix" broke :(
Some good news :)

Just need a top coat and lacquer on the panhard then that's good to go back on

Hopefully have the damn exhaust back together tonight

And I'll be trying again with the servo
Surely just a couple of coats of hamerite will do the panhard rod? It's not hard to get off and do again in the future of you want bits of the car nobody sees to look pretty?
Yay we're back up on axle stands :D

Whilst its up on the stands I'm going to give the brakes a once over.

Also going to see how much it'll cost to get the all techs refurbed (if they can be) tomorrow
Left one of the wheels with the guy that may be refurbing my wheels, if its too far gone then I know not to waste my money on them
Did some half decent work to day, the exhaust is on properly now after finding a few good sized washers.

Sorted the snapped bolt on the cat


May no be pretty but it should hold

Got the poly bush stuck in the panhard doh so will need to sort that (sorry no pics)

got a text of the bloke who will hopefully sorting my all techs

"Pretty bad, but I'll stick some heat on it and see if that straightens it out. Will let you know tomorrow, you never know"

I hope they can be sorted, I've become quite fond of them