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Alexx117's SR blog

Another update...

Sunday just over a week ago i replaced my boot ( i know it was a long time ago but ive only just remembered to update it) and thursday i replaced my bumper so heres just a few sneaky pictures of how things looked and me getting carried away with the camera :p

I forgot to take photos of the boot but it looks good except my spoiler which is in half :(

Bumper Brackets

Bumper reinforcement bent inwards



cheers guys, now ive got a list of the things i want so if anyone has any just let me know ok ;)

im looking for:

a set of wide arches (robb :))
nismo back and front splitter
set of side skirts, not chavvy please lol
bucket seats
set of deep dish alloys preferably 14"
and anything else people would think will look good

also will be going for a turbo set up soon (Y)

Shhhh Frank :p

Just a few little things to get now though - may have to borrow money from the parents aswel :doh:
Just an update of what ive been doing today :) recieved these yesterday.

sorry about the crap quality as its on my phone as all my pictures are :p

Super S door cards.


A random micra with flowers all over it.. :)


And another little taster

Blimey! That's a bit different to a Micra! I'm guessing by the hood scoop that it is a turbo Impreza? Not one of those rubbish 1.8 non turbo ones! (Y)

edit: d'oh maybe I should have read what cars you own lol
ooh, very nice alex :cool: but will a boxer engine fit into a k11 tho fwn

frank... im sure youd find a way to do it but im afraid im leaving the engine where it is lol.

Its the uk turbo so around 220bhp i think.

Insurance is going to have a fun time laughing at me. I only got it cause my dad got it as part pf a payment on a big job hes just finished and said i could pay him back.
I think it's about 5, there is a step by step instruction on how to change them somewhere on this site, might be two or three instructions actually, lol.
I think there's about 4 or 5 I gt them from a german seller on eBay. All u do is get the dials out then twist n pull the led holders out and the LEDs just pull out then push the new ones in
Yeah ive got all the parts now (i think) but i keep getting distracted by other things..

Ive gota do some cutting to fit the intercooler and some more cutting to fit the turbo cause its just touching the slam panel.

Theres also a b***ard circlip holding the dumpvalve on the flange which i cant get on lol

Got a few more pictures to go with the update aswel.
IMG_0219..JPG IMG_0221[1]..JPG IMG_0223..JPG IMG_0222..JPG
The seats are from a 200sx s14a one bracket fits perfectly but the others need to be cut and welded in different positions. i was just testing it out at that point
Looks good Alex! Looks like youve been busy :D

Loving the alloys, compliment the paint work real well. Keep us updated on your turbo set up(Y)
nice one alexx, pull your finger out and get it all bolted on :D what management you going to be running dude?

you need to get some circlip plyers bud and get some gazplus on it, its a good penitrating lube (Y)
Let me guess did anyone called gaz make gazplus? lol

Thanks for the comments guys and as for the induction manny its a pipercross airfilter and a few bends of aluminum and silicone joints.

And I have circlip pliers martin! its just one hefty circlip haha im thinking about getting a small loan just to sort out the car to be honest i cant be bothered to save and wait. Was thinking about 1000 or 1500? just to get some forged pistons, head gasket and a decent map from Ed which i have Pm'd but i havnt heard from him. ive got a local garage anyway who could do it for me on a weekend as the bloke does work on my mates pulsar for pretty cheap. then i guess the rest of the money would just be aesthetics.
alexx i wouldnt bother with the forged pistons just yet if you arnt number hunting and just want to have turbo fun. i would spend the money on a good head gasket and the map mate as you will be looking at £6-700 for just the 2 and its that alone for the pistons and you dont need them for it to work, just need to get the important things sorted frist get it running then look to improve :)
pond? mate in the back? your car lookin stunning your giving some good horror storys
ahhhhhh man ihope it doesnt get worse (please)!!!!!
well martin i was looking at going forged cause it just seems a little 'safer' haha then i can run full boost but money is tight at the moment, im trying to pay off a holiday.. so i guess it will probably just be a head gasket and map once ive actually got off my ass and got round to fitting it.
alexx you dont need to forge the engine to be safe and run some decent boost, you need to lower the compression ratio bud. you need to look into ways of doing it like doubble head gaskets, opening up the combustion chambers ect ect

if you need more info just giz a ring mate or pm me
yeah ive been looking into the double head gasket thing or just a thicker head gasket but ive heard that it can cause a bit more strain on some parts?

anyway ive got my new seats all welded up and in now.


got myself a gtir steering wheel aswel


got my old sr seats for sale if anyone wants them for £20?

and a mate stealth bumming another mate at work, just though id add that,

seats look good. ive got pvc covers on mine lol. would them seats work in a 5 door? front tilting seats in a 5door would look good. your in bristol your miles away lol
manny im in herefordshire at the moment which is a bit closer. Im pretty sure they would work in a 5 door aswel i cant see a problem to be honest they do sit rather low but just give enough room for feet underneath.
anybody know how much i should be paying for a head gasket set? ive seen them on ebay for £25 - £30 dunno if theyre any good though, will probably break with the heat n pressure of a tubby.
matts charging £195 for a steel decompression plate so im thinking just get two gaskets and a load of sealant..
my twin re-used headgasets are holding up ok alex (with about 11:1 C/R) :grinning: and i bet genuine ones are the best part of £100 :eek:
anybody know how much i should be paying for a head gasket set? ive seen them on ebay for £25 - £30 dunno if theyre any good though, will probably break with the heat n pressure of a tubby.
matts charging £195 for a steel decompression plate so im thinking just get two gaskets and a load of sealant..

alexx if you carnt affored £200 for a decompression plate then you DO NOT! have enough money to turbo your car mate, simple. its one of the main "need to do" when turboing the k11 dont be cheep and save for the correct parts or the car is going to be one awsome fail.

i would use the decompression plate and there are many perfomance head gaskets on the market for the k11. ive spent over £300 alone on my nismo HG and im useing the decompression just dont skimp out basicly bud
give me some links to these performance head gaskets then. i cant seem to find any except the standard ones and its not like i cant afford it cause im trying to pay off a holiday for me n the misses..

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