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1.3 Si project

i really like your front grills, ive just ordered some black ones for mine but i want to do the mesh like you have, where did you get the mesh from and also how did you do it? it looks really cool :) Nice Car :)
i really like your front grills, ive just ordered some black ones for mine but i want to do the mesh like you have, where did you get the mesh from and also how did you do it? it looks really cool :) Nice Car :)
there standard micra grills tht ive cut the middles out of smothed over with filler them sprayed satin black the mesh was from my loacl motor center like a meter sheet of small mesh in black all you have todo is to cut the mesh so its over sized on the back of the grill, then bend the over hanging part of the mesh around the grill and use filler to hold it in place you will need to use alot and hold it for a while then spray black again will up load a pick in a bit :p
cool :) do you have to use filler or can you use something else? if not what filler did you use? and the ones ive ordered are just black anyway, but they do have the center section. :)
cool :) do you have to use filler or can you use something else? if not what filler did you use? and the ones ive ordered are just black anyway, but they do have the center section. :)
you could use fiber glass but i didnt have any at the time fillers just as easy umm any filler realy cheep stuff will do just alot of hardener when u mix it goes off quicker so u dont have to hold it so long :p
heres how they look from the front the mesh is at the back of the grill as u can see


And this is how i stuck the mesh on useing the overlap and some filler :p
what did you use to get the middle out? and how did you get the nostrils out of the car? :)
you just need a hack saw blade the plastic it realy easy to cut though and a file to take of the little edges it will leave and as for getting them out u just need a flat headed screwdriver to pop the clips out with its only helod in by 4 or so clips in i rember and u can split the the from the grill once its out to make it easyer to cut. just go easy tho as the plastic is quite fragile
ahh okay any pictures of when you were making it? eg cutting and things? and once is cut out and filed down is it just a case of put the mesh on the back and put on car or?
ahh okay any pictures of when you were making it? eg cutting and things? and once is cut out and filed down is it just a case of put the mesh on the back and put on car or?
Frade not its easy enough once u get them out ull see wht i mean and yeah once uve cut the ceter strip out ull wand to file and sand it smooth and to key the surface ready for the paint then its just bend the mesh over and stick on n spray
hmm how long would you say it took? my grills should be here next week and ill pick up some mesh at the weekend and some filler or a glue called sticks like S**T :)
Unfortually due to an accident tht happened last night the micra is a right off :( :( :( :'( :'( :'( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she rolled and the roof has a slight bend in it =/ .. so upset and pissed off !! i will try to continue my blog to help other and maby at some point soon ill have another car =/
Gutted to hear about the accident dude, but chuffed to hear you're alright and doubley chuffed to see you've already got another Micra sorted :D
thats pretty good :) it is a shame about your old one, my first K11 was blue and it was a gorgeous colour same as yours, i do quite like the silver though, ive seen a few pretty mean ones on here :) my current one is black though :) i love these little things there so much fun :)
the plan for the new one swap all excisting parts to it .. apart from the alloys as they got bent in the crash =/ but hey nissan micra 14's are pretty sweet too ;) n basicly make it look pertty dam nice gunna be more show then go now .. but oh well
getting the last few bits off the old blue one tomorro will post some pics of how she looks in her sorry state =/ and then will start the change over of the 1L soon

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