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Haha had some fun on Xtranormal this morning:


Contested the Block from Youtube!

Logged out and could see it from a guest view. also added a link to my youtube account. strange as i can still watch it!
Make your own guys! would be good to see others make a little skit. its free to sign up and use basic 'actors' and scenes otherwise you have to pay extra.
but turns out good (Y)
oh and got an email about the youtube version:

Copyright Info: Micra Discussion

Your video, Micra Discussion , may include content that is owned or administered by these entities:

  • Entity: Comcast Entertainment Group Content Type: Visual content

As a result, your video has been blocked everywhere except in these locations:

United States

What should I do?

No action is required on your part. Your video is still available in the locations listed above.
What can I do about my video's status?

Please note that the video's status can change if the policies chosen by the content owners change. You may want to check back periodically to see if you have new options available to you.
Under certain circumstances, you may dispute this copyright claim. These are:

  • if the content is mistakenly identified and is actually completely your original creation;
  • if you believe that your use does not infringe copyright (e.g. it is fair use under US law);
  • if you are actually licensed by the owner to use this content.
I need more information. I want to learn more about the dispute process.
Please take a few minutes to visit our Help Centre section on Policy and Copyright Guidelines, where you can learn more about copyright law and our Content Identification Service.


Doesn't make much sense to me seeing as on the xtranormal site there is a button to publish to youtube? lol anyways still able to watch on the home site which is always a good thing.
Wow man, very surreal. Wierdest thing I've ever seen. 2 cartoon bears standing in the middle of a park, arguing about a Micras and Polos in a soft mono-tone American accent who sound almost exactly alike.

I've seen it all now :wow:

One observation; Micras also come as 1.0 as well as 1.3.
Wow man, very surreal. Wierdest thing I've ever seen. 2 cartoon bears standing in the middle of a park, arguing about a Micras and Polos in a soft mono-tone American accent who sound almost exactly alike.

I've seen it all now :wow:

One observation; Micras also come as 1.0 as well as 1.3.

Yes but obviously you would argue over the top spec version. you wouldn't argue about Vauxhall/Opel astras as they come in different engines such as 1.4L 1.6L 1.7L 1.8L 2.0L 2.2L 2.4L so you would argue over top spec.
Can anyone tell me if the youtube video plays now? as i had to contest the video after the company replied with a fair use policy agreement.
I'll give a 'Thanks'
to the first person that gives me an answer. (tempting isn't it)

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