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lol ferritboy :laugh: they,ll charge you storage for looking after those scrap tyres for you tho eh :wasntme:

Already thought of that one 'Grinderman' sprayed each one with paint and took pictures so if they dump them off before taking the car they will be fly tipping! And a good way of getting rid of them too.
good, i hate the dvla, they charged me 70 odd quid cos i forgot to declare my s13 sorn,time i got back of holiday i had a lovely letter saying the longer i leave it the more it goes up, if he comes knocking again grind his fingers off. Please somebody upload that photo to a 106 owners club, tell em what we think of lovely poo heaps!
good, i hate the dvla, they charged me 70 odd quid cos i forgot to declare my s13 sorn,time i got back of holiday i had a lovely letter saying the longer i leave it the more it goes up, if he comes knocking again grind his fingers off. Please somebody upload that photo to a 106 owners club, tell em what we think of lovely ####e heaps!

good, i hate the dvla, they charged me 70 odd quid cos i forgot to declare my s13 sorn,time i got back of holiday i had a lovely letter saying the longer i leave it the more it goes up, if he comes knocking again grind his fingers off. Please somebody upload that photo to a 106 owners club, tell em what we think of lovely poo heaps!

that photo was for £20 i think now gone looks like cannot re-use copyrights um guessing
i tell you a privaleage that we got to even see it due to the ....................
um dying to see the next additon to the series though and you know ........their can be only one
Back :)

Been a busy boy on other missions but glad to be back..
Have some progress to report...
It's now 1.3cc,lightened flywheel,1.0 litre gearbox,straight through exhaust with 4 branch manifold to the Janspeed back box from Marty...(which hits the panhard over bumps as promised ;) )
...And the sills have been repaired with oversills.Filler work is nearly finished on drivers side,truck is a perfect workbench for this job ;) Going in tomorrow to get some more done.



Cheers Steve,been having an update on the blogs,good to see what's going on.
Had a go at finishing the welding repairs today.Drivers side sill is ready for primer but I've got a few minor dings on the rear quarter to attend to & loads on the drivers door so lots of flatting coming up....Also want to reduce size or remove altogether the repeater hole on the front wing.Passenger sill is nearly ready for stonechip & luckily this side is a lot straighter than the drivers.Looks like a quiet day tomorrow so hopefully get a couple of hours...
The black 1985 Civic is getting a 130BHP Integra engine & box soon,should be a lot of fun ;)


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More prepping...

Nearly finished the filler work on the drivers side tonight so should be able to get priming very soon..
Shame about the old Bedford van,someone would have glued that back together if it had found its way onto E Bay.Blokes got a mint V8 Rover conversion in the same colour round my way..


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this car never had dents like that didi it?
love the work and this is one car that beat the nats riddle,so its special
isnt that the bedford they used in texas chainsaw massacre (not the new film the old one) B reg clinched it
this car never had dents like that didi it?
love the work and this is one car that beat the nats riddle,so its special
isnt that the bedford they used in texas chainsaw massacre (not the new film the old one) B reg clinched it
Yeah not really dents but even little dings turn into larger repairs sadly.Front wing had a few little ones close together..(Marty nicked my mint spare wing:doh: )Glad the other side is in better condition! JC came down & snagged my repairs so I had another go at it tonight..
New windscreen, fitter found me a sundimmed screen with the band at the top..Oh & I had a spare bonnet from the March with nice Jap stickers on underside so I'll be using that.Robbed some vents from an Escort RS Turbo bonnet so I may have a play but they do look a bit big..I'll get pics.
The Collette came in last week,not much wrong with it but my neighbour needs a gearbox.If you need any bits you're welcome to come down..
The silver K11 GX came in with the usual sills but low mileage & drives fine so it's being welded tomorrow..& is my current ride :) Another K11 saved





I like the blue stuff on the top of the new windscreen, it's not featured on every K11 windscreen. Any news from the KIA gayPRIDE guy ?
join the filler club!! hows it all going is the silver one a 1.0?

if id have had that i wouldnt of started spraying mine!:glare:
I like the blue stuff on the top of the new windscreen, it's not featured on every K11 windscreen. Any news from the KIA gayPRIDE guy ?
The silver GX has a sundimmed screen,but also a sunroof so no good to me ;)
Kia man has disapeared into the sunset in an automatic Rover 100 (Metro with bells on) with the head gasket hanging out.Other good news is that the Kia got scrapped probably after he realized he was gonna get beat by all the local Micras.I could of got him £600 for that car before he destroyed it.Worth the crack tho ay :grinning:
join the filler club!! hows it all going is the silver one a 1.0?

if id have had that i wouldnt of started spraying mine!:glare:

Big up Marty good to see you back.
GX has a HEAVY sunroof so no good to you & don't be so naughty get on with what you started ;)
Oh yeah & do it red BTW lol
big respects for saving the gx(dam straight) and the other tips
just wondring what the kia man will morph into on his return...,,,,???
No pain...No gain

On the plus side today the RaT is a little lighter.Drilled out the rear seat belt anchorages no problem.The clutch & brake pedal are a very heavy affair so I've drilled holes in & ground 10mm from it.Only done the clutch so far but the pile of filings was heavy.Also trimmed the pedal itself.Can get more from this but..On the negative side I managed to grind a hole in my finger so put the toys away for another day & had a go at the filler on the nearside rear quarter.Going to try & get this finished off tomorrow if I don't die of septosemia during the night due to my war wound.Cleaned it with panel wipe & wrapped it in blue tissue & masking tape & have 8 cans of Fosters to get me through the pain so should be ok ;) Stupid thing I had goggles & ear defenders on so why did I not pick up the gloves??At least my finger is a few grams lighter ;)...



Thanks for supporting the idea Shaun,I'll try shaving a few more of my digits down next time the grinders out..won't be long lol..
Had a nose at your car last night,lovely colour that.Looking forward to seeing that dropped.I see you're only in Crawley,we'll hopefully be organising a meet in Croydon soon if you fancy a drive out...
Thanks for supporting the idea Shaun,I'll try shaving a few more of my digits down next time the grinders out..won't be long lol..
Had a nose at your car last night,lovely colour that.Looking forward to seeing that dropped.I see you're only in Crawley,we'll hopefully be organising a meet in Croydon soon if you fancy a drive out...

Would be good, could bring mckenziecz with his ultimate low SR lol am on holiday the beginning of september till the 16th so any time after that.
and yeah i can't wait for it to be dropped either! it's like driving a boat. :p
hiya mate the civic erm its a 3g right well my mates got one and needs an engine have you got the origanal one out of it
Yeah it's 1985-1987.I've got another one of these in silver still running which will be broken for spares & has lower mileage.(100k)
What engine is your mates car?Mine are 12valve 1500cc injection but the ECU would plug in provided his car has injection.
Another sad story...

march & 2cv..



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Took the Collette to meet its maker this morning & saw the March on the stack.Would have loved to have picked at this or even just the tailgate would have been nice.
2CV Citroens are very nasty cars but we saved a shell much worse than this one that made healthy bids on E Bay.They don't know what they've got...Probably would have made close to a grand that.Straight in the crusher :(

gggrrr funking gonvernment!! really need the near side rear bolb holder, its there in the picture!!i can almost taste the damn thing

but no oh no it just gets squashed, can you give the guy a drink and let him let you mole for 15 mins on the march?:laugh:
Sickening innit Mart..any progress tonight?None for me,did not get back until 9pm.Going to have a cheeky hour or 2 tomorrow hopefully.Grinder is calling...
it is a real shame matey, got some more done, still trying to get funking gear box out, engines on the floor now but seems like its sticking one side and wont open, cannot for the life of me find any bolts left though

hows the manifold doing, havent heard much of you playing yet!?
Bonnet pins,rocker covers & number plate lights

Got a few bits done today..Fitted the bonnet pins which meant I could lose the bits that hold the bonnet down at the front & the hinges.Used an exhaust rubber & a Fiat Uno oil cap (temporary did motor factors open)to raise the rear of bonnet.I've got 2 more bonnet pins but don't know if I really need them..
Removed the headlights with the lovely rusted bolts(used a heat gun to melt them out) ready to get the old bumper off.Found the plastic lensed March lights,one is damaged but fitted the offside.They must be wired differently as when you put headlights on the indicator stays on.Did not have time to investigate..cos I was in a rush to fit my black rocker cover.
Also fitted the March number plate lights on the tailgate.Easy to fit (anti-grinder yard neighbour does not like air drills specially on a Sunday so had to perform when he went out ) but the wiring has all been bodged on the lights & I had a grinder incident with tailgate wires when I lightened it so it needs sorting out.No rear light working now but it got dark so I'll have a go tomorrow.
Oh & went for a cheeky drive----proper laugh.Can't wait to get it on the road as a daily driver.Came home in an automatic Clio,very sad cars ;)







vermin under the dash ss :eek:
its takin shape now eh (Y)
Evenin Frank,yeah it's good to be stuck into it again,it's been a while driving bland cars!
Was hoping the black rat would bring me luck,my only passenger so far due to lack of passenger seat ;)
Been checking your blog for progress on the Vibe,chopped any lumps of yet?
Had another go today...Fitted the other 2 bonnet pins first,rolls of the tongue easy but was a mare setting them out & space is very tight behind the suspension mounts to fit the pins with the washers.Shaved a few more lumps off the bonnet in the process.Will attack further this week while the noise abatement society neighbour is at work ;) Got away with plenty of air drill tho
Decided to go for a minimal grill,love it,job done & no filler involved and the 2 x 20mm plastic strips left are very light..
Spent 10 mins giving the headlights a sqint with insulation tape..instant bad boy bonnet again with no filler..
And fixed the rear lights & tidied up all the wiring in the tailgate.
Filled the tank to the brim with fuel robbed from a victim & zeroed mileometer so see what it does to the gallon.
Flatted the bonnet in the dark ready for paint,thought I could have got away without primer but the paint is pitted in places,so some more flatting to do.Try & have a go tomorrow..
No progress today,been rushed off my feet out & about but a few pics..
1.Y reg on the heap with no damage (before it arrived)Muppets
2.Random Micra driver.I followed her home & took her interior out while she slept ;)
3.Pleased to have joined the decorative tow hook club.Got to make the most of this while I still have a tow hook to attach stuff to.
4.Posing with pimped Golf SE





such a shame all these cars,so much money could be made with breaking them, tow hook looks awesome, all the south east should all have the same tow hook toy to say were in the same group!cars looking awesome, get the bonnet brows welded and matt black it !
tow hook toy,,,,that is a good idea,,,,,erm south east skull head
south west skeliton,,,,and south central ???????cant think of anything please feel free to add
very amusing tales sleeper_ss crying and laughing at the same time i am, didnt know i could do that.,,the old dear that you mugged the interior off while she slept might of been a spy sent by the kia guy to see the compotition he is facing very shrewd he seems
Slammed swift RIP

Said goodbye & good riddance to the smelly Suzuki Swift(not)I've been using today,but not before seeing it lowered with the aid of a ton.5 of Scenic ;)
The Super S has tax so is new ride.Will get a quick spiv tomorrow. just needs a little love



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gotta get worse before it gets better...

Finally got around to removing the front bumper & wings to check the damage.All good apart from the usual crossmember issues.All repairable tho,had a pleasant hour with the grinder cutting the rot out.Removed the towing eyes,I'll miss these as I used them to jack the car up...Going to chop another rung off the springs while the wings are off too.
Scrubbed & jetwashed all inner wings ready to black stonechip tomorrow.Oh & found the new front bumper & stuck the grills in with seam sealer so now ready for the last fill (hopefully)
Silver car is MOT'd & ready to go,& the Super S valeting is underway,been driving it around.Tight little car..with the added benefit of tax ;)
Oh & me neighbour has just painted the ####ty old traveller.I do like Mini's,as long as I am not inside it





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Grills & bumpers...

Thanks for the comments guys..Been a long weekend ;)
Both inner arches are finished..& satin blacked the front panel.Started covering the red under the bonnet..but ran out of paint.
Chopped 150mm from the front springs which only brought it down 5mm!Much more brutal treatment required.Measures 95mm up to the engine support thing now.Dug out the lightweight aluminium jack that's 80mm high,very handy now the tow hooks are getting weighed in ;)
Slapped some more seam sealer round the bumper grills & had to see it fitted.Must get it primed this week.Fitted the number plate..& found a mesh grill that can be adapted (tie wrapped)to the car.Hard to make out but it's in picture 1.





Super S

No rodent progress today sadly,intended to get jigsaw blades to get the plastic windows sorted but ran out of time.Booked it in to get the banging back box sorted tomorrow tho & JC has volunteered to deal with the crossmember repairs.
Have started cleaning up the Super S though.Windows were rotten.Funny innit,the ladies keep the house immaculate but drive about in a dustbin.Oh & removed the nasty pinstripes..
Discreet company sleeper-smoke methinks,got my eye on those springs already ;)
Blue car is a 1965 Ford Zodiac,very original showing 35000 miles.Love the bench seat in these..& my mates Lambretta that was signed by Paul Weller but it washed off :down:


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Got the car back from the exhaust place,they fitted a new stainless box.If you're planning on lowering your car loads don't waste your money on a Janspeed rear silencer,they're too long.
Went back,touched up some filler on the offside & got it primed,left the wing as I want to do something about the enormous Nissan Micra repeater hole.Noise abatement came over for a friendly veiled chat with the compressor going at 9pm:wasntme:
Had to drive the boring Golf home
Pic 3...Urban Micra looks sick 4 up with no wheel trims





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@Frank & SR..Cheers yeah I'm pleased with it.Same note as the Janspeed..Think it may need altering as something is still banging,the pipe going into the box needs to be at a very steep angle.Going to get 2 fat people to sit in the back so I can see what's happening under there..
Got stuck into flatting last nights primer & now have backache.Looking forward to the other side at the weekend lol
The Rover 100 had done 38000 miles & has the usual head gasket issue so will get it tomorrow..but the grills from its bonnet may be useful.Didn't stop the Rover lump from cooking itself to death tho :laugh: The RS turbo ones I robbed are probably too big.


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Good work sleeper_ss keep it up!

Cracking spots, the bug on BRMs is just right, and its nice to see a Beta about too. Add lows to that SD1 and it would be a double hard bartender of a car.