frank the ma10 oil ring is in 3 pieces, 2 flat type things for the top and bottom then a sort of consertina type thing in the middle, if that makes sense.
curtis, no the ma10 and ma12 have a different bore, 68 for the 10 and 71 for the 12 i believe.
frank yes those measurements would be usefull if just for referance
dont suppose you know how many cc's the cg piston dish is do you? long shot i know, lol. just saves me measuring it.
in the cg 10, if im right, (probable not), the combustion chamber plus the gasket buls the short fall of the piston grom the top of the block (if any) must be 26.31cc for a cr of 9.5.
swept volume 250 / compression ratio is 26.31.
or am i doing it wrong?
the pistons reach flush with the top of the block, iirc , and the combustion chamber + gasket + cyl (280cc) is compressed to 9,1/2 times smaller = (30cc) ?
have you measured that at 30cc or how did you work it out?
back of the fag-packet maths :blush:
i have half a set of ma12 rings in me shed somewhere ill get them out tonight and have a measure to see how they compare. cheers frank