Really. You said that how many times now?Immaturity
"Sent from my bed using paper planes"
Welcome to the immature club Chris. It now has 2 membersReally. You said that how many times now?
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
This ones still wet behind the earsWelcome to the immature club Chris. It now has 2 members
Sent by pigeon from t'allotment
Growing old DISgracefully FTW!This ones still wet behind the earsJKs mate, max, we need you young ones to put us oldies straight
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Laughing my actual ass off :'). East end, west end, bellend... AhahahaBellend ........ I know.....immature
Sent by pigeon from t'allotment