Word Association

....Low fat cake? ;)
You can do it Ade!!!...
Jack your car up, and down, and up and down then get the vacuum cleaner on the carpets,
....that's gotta burn a few of those darned calories, surely? :p

Quiche (I've been baking quiche this week, instead of my little cakes)
....Low fat cake? ;)
You can do it Ade!!!...
Jack your car up, and down, and up and down then get the vacuum cleaner on the carpets,
....that's gotta burn a few of those darned calories, surely? :p

Quiche (I've been baking quiche this week, instead of my little cakes)
Trouble is a lot of "low fat" foods are still high in calories so it's just chicken, pork, fish, and loads of vegetables and some fruit for me :(

Sent by pigeon from t'allotment
fruit is good Ade
....find something low fat/calories/no added sugar that you actually like...that'll help.
I figured out that if I'm feeling porky...I drink more water...no chocolate, instead I have some melon or peach chunks, or one of those no added sugar juice cartons
(1 of your 5 a day and still helps with sweet/sugar cravings ;))
Making stuff yourself is a good ...that way you know what's in it...
also portion sizes...don't see it as a diet...it's a healthy lifestyle...
don't deprive yourself either...if you never have butter/sugar/carbs ever again you will go crazy! and will be more likely to slip up

Upside down cake :(

mess... if any of my cakes went upside down it wouldn't be pretty.... LOL
If it makes you feel any better Ade, I can't eat anything either. All this exam stress has got me feeling so sick I don't want to eat anything....

On the plus side I'm loosing weight so darn fast haha.
If it makes you feel any better Ade, I can't eat anything either. All this exam stress has got me feeling so sick I don't want to eat anything....

On the plus side I'm loosing weight so darn fast haha.
Exam stress? What you sitting?

Sent by umpalumpas on a very small horse.
Diesel :p

I had my Maths GCSE exam on my 16th Birthday ^_^ ...gosh, the fun....
I get terribly nervous.... but not always about stuff that maybe I should LOL
anyway...I know what you mean about feeling iffy and not wanting/feeling like eating anything ;)
...it'll pass....you'll be stuffing your face come the summer Max :D