It ended up in really interesting topic. Very smart messages.
As few people already told it, we have to let "normal" (idiot?) people live for buying hype/fashion new expensive unreliable big diesel stuff. That's how they are happy.
Most of registered people here (and in a lot of other foreign countries which have K11 clubs: Japan, Poland, Italy, Spain) have understood all of this, and keep on loving their simple, efficient, reliable and practical tiny bubble looking 16VALVE monster.
Even discussing with "simple" people owning a Micra (so they are not "normal"

but are not registered in a club so they are just "simple"

) will told it to you, they like this car.
Plus it's definitely feels cool driving a car you will not see at each corners of the street (at lealst here in France since there is only clito/saxos)
Having everybody's car is the lamest thing on earth, though commercial spots manage to believe people it's a cool thing, imagine if we have all the same voice or the same face, so boring.
There is still no better car in this category and we know it, we are not fashion/commercial sheeps, so we keep this enjoying and satisfying car.
It's not a coincidence that you read this message, be proud being a part of the compact 16V elite. (Y)
PS: I hope you will manage to organize a national UK meeting one day.