what to do with a spare k11 seat?


Ex. Club Member
went upto raceworx yesterday as ive had his standard seats as mine were slashed when the previous owner had it, so with my spare drivers seat (ian had my passenger seat until he can afford another border one) i decided to do this :D :D :D cheers to chris for the help



Spec List:
Ultimate in office design 4 spoke caster setup
Nissan Toyota Subaru Micra Drivers Seat, complete with tilt mechenism (lie back and enjoy the ride......)

(below added after pictures were taken)
PROPER harness's, complete with FUK shoulder pads (made from cut up ruck sack straps and speaker cable)
Underbody neons (battery powered led's from fastcar)
16v badge on headrest

Future Mods:
4" Jap style exhaust tip
Max power induction kit

haha quality

is that a k11 in the poster behind u - i think thats a first, ive never seen that one before! Looks sweet though
the 4 spoke castor setup is good for 5 blp althought rolling roaded at 4.3 blp (brake leg power) but its limited to 0.5 bar of boost due to the carpet. maybes on a wooden floor the seat can really excell itself.

good job its got harnesses...
ooo yea boyo, just imagine.....car seats with castors......harness's....crash helmet....all MSC members with their own car seat conversion and a BIG hill !
scottish-sr said:
all you need now is the old-engine desk in your room.

I take it you are refering to what Jeremy Clarkson did with his Porshe 928 on top gear ? if you are then i support that idea how sweet would it be!