what did you do to your micra today ?

WDIDT. Lowered the back end today - took 15 mins & cost £22.65p:)
Went to B&Q put 5 bags cement in the boot :p
Sorry, could not resist that, putting up new back fence. Lowered it perfectly , looked good with the front already lowered when I bought it. Might leave them in there. NAH !!! only joking, used them this afternoon.
Wdid? Gave it a quick clean and took some 'rural' pics :)







Sorry folks, think I may have gotten a little carried away with the pics :oops:

Which one are you then? looks like the right neck o the woods :p
Someone made me paranoid and made me think I needed another layer of clear coat.
F**ked up my final coat of clear all along the driver side...
Wishing I didn't now...



Hard to see from pictures but theirs tonnes of white snowy misty patterns,

Edit: turns out its this has happened to every panel I've sprayed.
Do I wet sand this back a layer and re apply clear again?
Help please
Make with the pics davyboy! ;)

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Sorry "M" still have not mastered piccies :( pressed every bloody button but nothing works !!!! Daughter has showed me, but, slow learner I s'pose. Must be a technophobe - my smart phone's smarter than me, so mostly I turn it off !!!! true.
My family go bonkers with me, whats the bloody point of having a mobile if its off, or you reply 3 days later - ah well. Sorry bud.
Someone made me paranoid and made me think I needed another layer of clear coat.
F**ked up my final coat of clear all along the driver side...
Wishing I didn't now...



Hard to see from pictures but theirs tonnes of white snowy misty patterns,

Edit: turns out its this has happened to every panel I've sprayed.
Do I wet sand this back a layer and re apply clear again?
Help please
How did you apply the lacquer Simon? Did you let each coat dry completely before the next? I find with rattle cans it needs to be put on quite wet, then when it's gone tacky, not dry, apply the next coat and so on. You basically need the coat you are doing to almost reactivate the previous coat so they flow into one.
Seems to me like its gone on too dry so best to wet flat and try again.

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How did you apply the lacquer Simon? Did you let each coat dry completely before the next? I find with rattle cans it needs to be put on quite wet, then when it's gone tacky, not dry, apply the next coat and so on. You basically need the coat you are doing to almost reactivate the previous coat so they flow into one.
Seems to me like its gone on too dry so best to wet flat and try again.

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Yeah it had completely dried for a couple of days and someone told me it needed more so I put another on it and well its not pretty, feels like crap too :(
I was thinking of going over the whole lot tomorrow with wet 2000 and then try again, or do you think it could buff out, or would it be best to put clear over it once I'm finished with the wet 2000 and its dry?
If you wet flat it with 2000 you may then be able to bring up the shine by compounding it and polishing it, providing there is enough clear on it.
How was the finish before you put the extra coat on?

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Think tapatalk on my phone is having a hissy fit :(

Having fun mate? lol
Yeah it was pretty good before, although I wasn't getting a really good shine to it. But never tried wet 2000 over it or compound or polish yet, wasn't sure if it was a good idea to go over the car once finished with wet 2000, thought it was get rid of shine.
Having fun mate? lol
Yeah it was pretty good before, although I wasn't getting a really good shine to it. But never tried wet 2000 over it or compound or polish yet, wasn't sure if it was a good idea to go over the car once finished with wet 2000, thought it was get rid of shine.
When you do a flat n buff you actually flatten off all the shine with wet n dry and then buff it back with compound. I'd certainly give it a go, can you get your hands on a da polisher? That'll be a big help

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When you do a flat n buff you actually flatten off all the shine with wet n dry and then buff it back with compound. I'd certainly give it a go, can you get your hands on a da polisher? That'll be a big help

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The only way I could buff it is by hand, unless maybe their is a drill extension or something... sadly can't get a da polisher. You think by hand will be ok? Guess it will take time thats all?
The only way I could buff it is by hand, unless maybe their is a drill extension or something... sadly can't get a da polisher. You think by hand will be ok? Guess it will take time thats all?
It'll take for ever by hand. You should be able to get backing pads for either drill or grinder to take polishing mops. Machine mart are handy for that shizzle ;)

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It'll take for ever by hand. You should be able to get backing pads for either drill or grinder to take polishing mops. Machine mart are handy for that shizzle ;)

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I will have a look around and see what I can get :) Hopefully it turns out alright in the end
I used to have one, an estate, bloody good motors back then, had it three years and never had a blip. bought it at auction for £60 if I recall - happy days. thanks.
So you were into micras early on :p
They'd be worth alot of money now
Need to do a machine polish on my own Andy :/

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Practice on nissanubaru :p no paint to go wrong

There was mine, Mark Tracey's and the pick up beast out of all of it :)
Pick up beast? Have I missed something
Uniqie always gets attention. Good or bad. Like marmite
Same as subaru gear in a 30 year old micra. Peole think its stupid (if your a dubber.. impossible) and others think its bloody fantastic