what a waste of money

probably the only saxo i would buy.... i like it! center steering wheel would be weird but fun. can't moan at the power output or the quality of the work.
Why would someone put so much work into a car and then sell it? I couldn't part with any of my projects, making money's nice an all but it doesn't really equal all the long hours you put into it, know what i mean? Maybe it's just me i don't know. :wasntme:
id rather spend 6 grand on a hat than buy that... whats the point yeah its nice to be diffrent and i can understand for pepole who are into them i bet alot of pepole say it about us and micras ! but i bet he spent the best part of 15 grand on that ... u could buy a thai bride for that!!! or a nice car wich ever one u pefer i no my choice :laugh:
that is bad ass! i would love to know more about how they did it, i think its been done pretty well

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