very unhappy with info from members

Once people learn to use the search function all will be ok, but in order to clean this up a bit a tough line has to be taken. Provided you think before you post you have nothing to worry about.

A FAQ will be made shortly - even if I have to do it myself to answer all the newbie style questions to avoid the posts appearing in the first place.

That way hopefully stop all the "stupid questions" and more importantly comments which is more of a problem than the questions themselves - as this thread shows.

I don't care if I'm out of line, but the people who come here fresh from wherever have to learn to listen to those with more experience. Its as simple as that.
All I ask is that ALL comments (not just by you) are kept to a quality and standard that you would expect to see on a technical based area of a site.

With that in mind, I shall have some interesting developments in the world for K10 people soon. May not apply to them but they should like it....
With that in mind, I shall have some interesting developments in the world for K10 people soon. May not apply to them but they should like it....
"May not apply to them all"? Is this going to be something ECC based or something? :upside:

Edit: Man I can't read. o_O
Re mapped ecc units.
Yeah erm the search engine is rubbish, well i've always struggled to find what i'm looking for. Always do eventually though.
yes i find the search engine frustrating, it seems to bias the "most recent" match, and the most relevant match is waaaay down the list :confused: