Type-R Micra V6


Ex. Club Member
Type-R wide arch micra

top job there mate, that bonnet and lights don't look out of place at all :) i had to take a second look to see what you had done cos all the lines meet up and everything :)

make it happen lol :D
A guy who shared the house im living in had a Clio V6. He crashed (accidentally) but then I later found out that half the damage on it did he did him self as an insurance job to write it off as:
1, he had top up insurance,


2, he had been trying to sell it for ages and couldn't.

he suceeded in the insurance job however and with the top up insurance got more back than what he paid for it.

We can thank people like this for our high premiums..

Amazing... grr
Ed said:
A guy who shared the house im living in had a Clio V6. He crashed (accidentally) but then I later found out that half the damage on it did he did him self as an insurance job to write it off as:
1, he had top up insurance,


2, he had been trying to sell it for ages and couldn't.

he suceeded in the insurance job however and with the top up insurance got more back than what he paid for it.

We can thank people like this for our high premiums..

Amazing... grr

that sux! i would have had the clio for a couple of quid...
huh? i did a search on google images for 160sr because i wanted to photoshop it. thats where i got the k12s from.
oh so you got a k12 and changed it into a clio..why didnt you just start with a clio ? lol
No sorry i got confused mate!! i thought you was on about the 160sr i did.

i got a clio v6, shortened it and then slammed a micra front to it, done some secrets tricks to get the colour and sizing right etc.
but that shape clio has nothing to do with th k12 and neither does the k11....

can you put the k12 front and lights on it instead?