It's not JUNK!'s all useful,
.essential automotive equipment!
these aren't all
just in my boot, but some in my glovebox too:
I have...
a folding army issue shovel,
Fleece blanket,
Small cushion,
Steel toe cap wellies,
flat head and stubby philips screwdrivers,
wheel brace,
Locking wheelnut key,
Tyre weld (
spare wheel in a can),
3 Spare wheel bolts
stubby adjustable spanner,
de-icer trigger spray
traction tracks,
tex chains,
single barrel foot pump,
pack of 3 microfibre cloths,
chamois de-mister pad,
tyre pressure gauge,
ballpoint pen,
LED Torch,
Kitchen roll,
spare waterproof jacket
Shopping Bags,
First aid kit
Sat-nat 12v cable
Street map of Hampshire
Leather Driving gloves/winter gloves
...and last but certainly by no means least an orange and 3m reflective pop up traffic cone! ^_^
...and i still manage 65 MPG...I guess all my
Junk tools must be pretty light? I win? LOL XD
...almost forgot my meercatzio...although he's not particularly helpful when digging wheels out of icey carparks