Stiffer engine mounts, how to do?

Hi guys, I have a problem with standard engine mounts, they are very weak, how I can solve this problem?
Nismo ones are really stiffer?
Any DIY tip to makes them stronger:D ?
I remember seeing some posts about filling them with polyurethane sealant or packing them with rubber. Forum search may turn up something. I have the pu method on my (long) list of things to do when I have time.
Ah the PU sealant idea will solve that issue :)
Franks gave the link to more info :)

tried PU sealant before but cos it cures via moisture/air from outside in, the outer surface cures afew mm but deep inside it's still squishy uncured

I also tried bodyfiller with more success but the vibration soon rattles it loose away from the rubber

I just upgraded to stiffer mounts from matt humphris to restrain the engine but its just soft enough for daily use
If pollyp found that only a few mm in cured then you might have to try doing it in stages. The problem with that is you are then relying on the pu to bond to itself in order to stay put.

I have it on my list of things to do but I read planning on taking it off the car.
i aint the best with a spanner. I have a slit in the mount and there is a knock coming from the front when slowing down and bumps went to farmers and they said it was the mount which I thought. it is like someone has stuck a very fine knife right through the mount but isn't any bits missing and looks solid apart from the slit.
I filled mine (vtec engine build) with tiger seal its seemed to have set well and really stiffened up the mounts, not driven it yet tho.

Talking of putting things in the oven... A while back I needed to fit new pistons (mini engine), normally just heating up the end of the con rod is enough to slip new pins in but for some reason possibly machining tolerances slightly off I could not get them in. So I thought to give myself a better chance I'd heat up the entire rod and cool the pins. The Mrs likes to go shopping on a saturday morning so Friday night without her noticing I popped the pins in the freezer, come saturday morning she left and I sprung into action placing the oven on max and arranging the rods on what turned out to be her best baking tray. After about 30 min at 230 degrees the kitchen was full of smoke as the oil deposits where burning off and then the Mrs walks through the door... She was not happy to say the least! But the plan worked and the pins slid in no problem. The only downside is I now have to go shopping with her so that I can't do it again :(
I have aquired some engine mounts, just need to remove the rubbers and blag some ptfe and time on the lathe... I have found a willing guineapig for them also :)

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