Starting problems


Ex. Club Member
since replacing the inlet manifold the car hasnt been running well when its cold once it warm its fine, but it takes about 4 time to get it started! sometimes i press the accelator and it slike the car over fuels then it dies the only to avoid it stalling is to give it full throttle... im thinking ill have to put a standard carb on which then means standard coil and dissy... so much for the greatness of the ECC lol
Lol! sorry it didnt work out mate! but still, at least you gave it a go!

Plenty of K10's down bridges to get the bits out of if you need em. Think we could both do with a day down there at somepoint lol
we sure could mate! well luckily mark has a webber for sale so looks like ill be fiting that soon, personally i prefer a nice hand tuned carb i just dont think the k10 is made for electronics lol. in therory it should be better but in reality its not.... now who suggested the idea? oh yeah rimmer lol!
Lol i didnt! i havent a clue how all it all works!! All i know is it has potential for turbo's etc due to all the electronics crap on it and more control on the engine.
lets face it mate potentials all very well but without proof its rubbish! so my advice to peeps with EGR is dont remove it unless you remove all the rest of the gear ;) perhaps if the ecu was re-programmed it would run better. now its probably trying to get readings from sensors that arent even there....
upon inspection it appears the auto choke spring has broken :) thanks for all the help guys! i thought at least one person might have posted something useful......

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