Spoiler question....


Rollin' with Diesel and V8 Power
My spoiler is a wraparound one that came standard on a Micra Vibe, and I'm just wondering if there was any way of fixing it on my car without drilling any holes?

It's got two ruddy big bolts that attached it to the old Vibe it came off, but I dont want to drill holes in my poor car :( If I can't find a way to attach it, I may be selling it!

And sorry that I haven't been on for ages, soooo busy :(
hi i put one on my 1.0 shape and i just cut the bolts off and then used this stuff called sticks like sh*t and it works a treat. (sorry if thats not aloud:S) but just leave it over night and it's fine. also to stop it slipping i used bluetak lol in the right places and that holds it and is easy to get off as it doesn't stick:D

hope this helps:D
whats tiger seal...? :down:

Got to get it sprayed first though!
JJ 1.0L : Is that what the stuff is really called? Can you PM me it?
If you bolt it on, then you can remove it if you wish, if you bond it on, then you obviously can't do this.
yeah you'd need to drill 2 holes in the boot lid for the spoiler to be bolted on.

Actually, you will need to drill 4 holes as if your boot did not originally come with spoiler, there are not the holes on the inside skin to allow you to put a ratchet on the bolts.
it'll rip the paint off though! :( Wouldn't it?

I'll think about it though, Thanks for all your help peoples :)

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