Slipping Fanbelt - Warranty?


i've had my Micra 1.6 C+C now for 6 months, i've done 5000 miles, and the vehicle milage is 10200.
The fan belt has just started squeeling below 1200rpm.

Will my Warranty cover the repair of this?
and should i be worried that it's started to squeel after only 10,000 miles?

Also, am i safe to drive it, as i do 250 miles a week commuting?


Hmm not too sure phone up Nissan and tell them what's going on. I suspect they will say its a consumable and may need changing, which is wrong. It just needs tightening up, if its simply squealing.
this will take you 2 minutes to fix.
this is basic car maintenance tat everyone should know.

its definitely not a warranty job,nothing has broken the belt has just bedded in :) just check its not fraid or has any sign of cracking but i cant see it tbh
we adjust them under warranty or replace the Belt/alt pulley depending on the cause as we have had a few problems with the pulleys! Nip over and get them to check it m8
erm you can adjust the ones on the 1.6 engines as they self adjust by spring tension

ive found the best fix is silicone spray grease or replacement of the belt so far
Thanks for the replies.

I can't do the job myself as i'm disabled. Although when i was younger and not disabled i used to do all servicing myself.

So i should take it into the dealer to be adjusted?


it would be under warranty mate anything other than the interior is covered for three years i think ,or so many miles not sure on miles tbh
My 1.6 SR 2006:mad: belt or something in the engine bay started sqealing before its first servicing at 12000 miles when cold.Nissan dealer said there is no problem, now at 18000 it sqeals a lot when cold. Dunno what to do since by the time I will take to dealer the sqeal stops.
leave the car with them and get them to cold start the car the next morning! they should do that anyway i recommend you find a better dealer imo
My 1.6 SR 2006:mad: belt or something in the engine bay started sqealing before its first servicing at 12000 miles when cold.Nissan dealer said there is no problem, now at 18000 it sqeals a lot when cold. Dunno what to do since by the time I will take to dealer the sqeal stops.

the customer is allways have spent alot of money on your car with them so tell them it needs sorting if you know there is a problem
problem is i recon if you leave it long enough they will flog it off as not warranty saying its wear and tear

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