Santa Pod Meet Review 31.05.08


Pro Cut Vinyl
Founding Member
Official MSC Trader
Hi all,

We are arranging a Santa Pod meet on SATURDAY 31.05.08. This is a normal RWYB event and we are aiming to make this the largest gathering of Members and Micra's the MSC has ever seen, 18 Micra's being the largest gathering so far to beat.

For details on the location click the below link


Santa Pod Raceway
Airfield Road
NN29 7XA

Multimap - Santa Pod


Prices are £10.00 for entry and if you run on the 1/4 mile it's another £20 for unlimted runs, don't forget your driving license.

Any Non Members attending will also have their names into a hat with a couple of free MSC memberships up for grabs.

Yes as you can see I'm really trying to encourage all members of the MSC to attend, I mean come on for most it will be a tanks worth of fuel and £30 if you run on the 1/4 mile.

I will be making video of the day and if you want your car in the MSC calendar 2009, I can arrange a photo shoot on site also.

If you want to see what Santa Pod and the MSC is all about, click the link below:


Members already confirmed attending

1. k10 Steely - a
2. Ian - a
3. sammyboi - a
4. robbluek10
5. ollie240585 - a
6. lee200
7. pixieness - a
8. Antony - a
9. Kev - a
10. Andy88 - a
11. Arnold - a
12. Ems - a
13. MicraFish - a
14. Ceirwan - a
15. bolton_18 - a
16. k10 franny - a
17. Nis - n
18. Super S 1.5T - n
19. whipit - n
20. Willenium
21. James - a
22. TONEY - a
23. Scopez
24. Robb - a
25. P1_5W4D - a
26. chubstar
27. Low Rider - a
28. shiftysg - a
29. paddymarsden - a
30. Hugh - a
31. Fordy
32. Napster - a
33. JStone
34. storme37
35. Swiper - a
36. Jim_Bling - a
37. Paul Smith
38. nissanmicrak12
39. Primal_Concrete_Micra - a
40. 1ucy
41. Luke Davis - a
42. Gazarooney
43. squarepants - a
44. Dr Zoidberg
45. SR_Micra_Boy - n
46. richmicratwista - a
47. CNORM87 - a
48. micra-mad
49. PHILG - a
50. Rob - a

The day usually starts from around 8am right through until 5ish, so it's well worth the journey, also MSC admin I would like you all to make it, old members such as Low Rider, Nis, SR_Micra_Boy, Pete(s), Hugh, MICRASKYLINE etc etc it would be superb if you could come along too.

If you don't have a Micra or it's off the road, come in another car!

I want to smash the record in 2008 for the largest MSC gathering ever, I hope you will embrass this and for non members, this is the best opportunity you'll have to see what this club is really about.

I'm going to contact Total Nissan to see if they will do a club feature on us at the meet, so again you could find yourself featured in there.


I'll see you all there!!!!

I'm NOT confirmed for that date Kev (31st May), just thought I'd let you know!

I have my finals in the last 2 weeks of May (unknown dates yet) and possibly upto June 6th, so I'm not yet sure if I'll be free.

Will definately make it if I can though :)

June however (on Saturday I guess) would be fine.
im will be there if u still goin 4 the 31st of may
and the 21st of june i get tickets 4 cuz it the jap show that weekend the sat is the warm up day all in me thread
Kev, avoid Japshow and other events as as you've said before, the cars may not be show worthy! however RWYB, it's all about the numbers and a good day out and car condition won't be the main ingredient of the day.

Standard RWYB would be good and i'm looking forward to this
So it wont matter if the car has some primer rather than matched paint work? As mine will be peforming well as im doing all that first (now) but im afraid that the body work and respray wont be complete.

Would that be fine?
RWYB, condition of the cars matter not, due to it just being a meet and not a show.

rich, come anyway, you don't have to run your micra on the 1/4 mile.

I just want to make this clear that going to Santa Pod, you don't have to push your Micra to the limit on the 1/4 mile, it's good to watch, meet up with people and you'll get to see some good 1/4 mile battles of other members and the general public there.

I think we'll stick with 31st of May, it's not a major show and will be better to get everyone together.

31st of may seems a lot better! :)
I'm already doing loads that month but the same could be said about a most summer months!

(Long way to drive, early start lol! )
So come along then lol!!!

No one will judge you or your Micra, I'm sure your hardened to silly micra comments from other non micra owners by now!

by the looks of it we'll be having micra's running 16's, 17's and the turbo ones running even quicker.
Tell you what i might as well come luckily the HAC regatta i'm attending is the weekend before! So you can take of the question mark!

(Just don't tell fordy i'm gonna be ragging his k10! )
excellent, that's a possible 15 people on the list already an it's only been up a few hours.

We really should be able to smash the previous record with the size of our club now.

Do i get 1 run included with the £10?
Or is it £20 if you want to run at all?
Gonna be spending enough on 320 miles of petrol round trip! :)
(Not all that much more than a night out i s'pose!)
so who from the north west is going, i fancy going but ill get lost trying to find it, so im thinking is anyone up for a convoy down there
Andy, it's pretty easy to find actually, mostly you'll be heading down the M1 to junction 15a, then it's dual carriageway for a quite a while, onto some B roads into Santa Pod.

you dont really need to be there that early. 9-10 is fine for the lazy lot out there.
Im not an early bird kind of person :p

If i can talk Napster into it, I'll be there, If not.. I'll think about it some more :)
you dont really need to be there that early. 9-10 is fine for the lazy lot out there.

some of use aren't lazy, i don't finish work til 2am and its a 3.5 hour journey according to google for me.

anyway you can put me on the definite list, I'm not missing out:grinning:
so is it confirmed that its the 31st? If so wont be able to make it as Mod Nats is the weekend before and cant book 2 weekends off :(
count me in, iv just recently been wasnt happy with the time, hopfly do better with some tyres and few adjustments. Would like to meet other members to ;)
Unless i get struck by lightning, im there! Fortunately any weekend day is good for me. This will be my first meet and im actually quite excited now! :laugh: yay!

Do i need to PM to confirm?

Looks like 18 micras shouldnt be hard to beat at this rate :)
Well i'll be leaving at 5:30, still won't make it for eight... 178 miles ! :O
Luckily i get up for work every day at that time!


Much better route planning, the economy route is not only 30mins quicker then the AA one, its also 50 less miles!

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