rwd conversion

maxed out micra said:
wud it be a big job to do this i think the best way wud be takeing a small rwd car engine and rear axle ,wud this be the best way or wath wud

import a 4WD micra from Japan would probably be cheaper ;)

depends on how much of the inside of your car you want to keep. it would be fairly cheap if you were willing to space frame your car and loose the interior...
It would be a lot of work but not impossible.

Not sure if anyones actually done the conversion, if they have it mustn't have lasted as I've been around so a while and not heard of it.
little in the world of micra modding comes through these forums...

Its not impossible, not even that hard to sombody very expeareanced in fabrication..

as hard to make RWD as 4WD i would say..
it would be quite easy with enough money to buy the bits.. its only a question of fabrication.. get yourself an S14 and a micra shell and get cutting and welding.. itsthe time old saying "if you have to ask you ahvent the skills to do it" best thing would probly be an rotory lump with RX7 runnign gear in the micra the engine is so light!!
bike enigine in the boot with chain drive like a go cart ;) the best solution to any problem :D
NeX said:
bike enigine in the boot with chain drive like a go cart ;) the best solution to any problem :D

I like you thinking....although a twin hyabusa turbo engine'd Micra sounds better to me :p


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