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RATCHET K11's micra blog.

i first brought the car from swiper about 2week ago, got it standard but has been modified a fair bit since then. got a couple of bits:

to name a few:
whiteline kit (to be fitted)
omp front upper strut brace
battery re-location kit (to be fitted)
lowered on 30mm gmax springs and kyb gas shocks (thanks to kristian)
brock b3 15'' alloy wheels (in atchersite)
squarepants old 3.5" back box (to be fitted)
pained black front grills
laguna phase 1 front splitter
painted black head lights

also i had to put the 1.3 engine back in! as swiper had started taking it out to put the 1.0 back in :p

got loads planned....here are some pics (in order)

when i first got it:

All images too big. 800x600 max please

hope you like so far! thanks to squarepants, raceworx and swiper....will keep updating this thread when more is added ;)
Nothings wrong with them. Maybe it's the photo that makes them look just a little odd!! I'm sure they look better in the flesh :)

Get you mitts on some clear repeaters. They look great on silver cars.
as said, think it looks poo hot! everything about it looks good...need a vid and pics of your colour changing tacho with shift light!
eh?. whats he got now then?. he didnt keep that long..

after a week of fitting his bucket seat, he drove through a big puddle (flood) the water damage had knackered up the engine and couldnt find out whats wrong with it...so he stripped it all out and was gonna put a cage init...but its not worth the hasstle so breaking and ridding of it, corbs is having the shell with rear axle and panels etc iirc. hes sold the sr20 manifold and gti front brakes, and bumper...
looking good, god i miss my old car:( at least my grass can start to grow now:)
Nothings wrong with them. Maybe it's the photo that makes them look just a little odd!! I'm sure they look better in the flesh :)

they do look better in the flesh.

good god. i would have had that off him, oh well...

that's where my new calipers came from:D, n15 gti calipera are the same as n14 gti-r ones;)
and some pics, here is is at jae 2006 in all it's former glory


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You should really have two axle stands, instead of just one and a trolley jack :p

Did the parnhard rod give you much grief?
here's a pic of ratchetk11's front, side exit exhaust. it's quite loud, but sounds awsome. and it'd still pass an emissions test as he's retained the standard manifold and front cat.
he got loads of positive comments all day at japshow, loads of people took photos, even a couple of official looking photographers.


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i love it....sounds awsome, couldnt belive all the looks we got on the way down to the pod and with it parked up! was good watching everyones heads turn as we cruised by :)

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