Rain water leaks into my cabin of my 5 doors K11 Micra

Hi Guys,

I hope you can help me…

I have leaking problem on my 2002 K11 Micra.
A actually I have two problems! It seems to leak after rain.
- I found that front passenger carpet is getting really wet. Sometimes I could even see water drip from under my glove box.
- I’ve noticed wet carpet behind diver seat. I could not see where water could be coming from. Door seems to be dry and roof looks dry as well…

It always happens after rain. But strangely enough it doesn’t always happen. It may rain really hard overnight but no leaks.

It is getting really annoying and I feel if it continues like that I might face mould problem soon.

I’d really appreciate any advice on what I can try and where to look to solve this problem.

P.S. My car has A/C and sun roof.
it could be the plastic clip that holds the wiper panel on which has perished leaking rubber seals due to age.


when they leak, water falls down the windscreen past the seal and into the cabin blower intake port where it drips down onto the passenger carpet and also across the ventilation and onto the ecu which may short out cause running problems.

check my blog at post #32 bout my story and solution



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i had my drivers one flood on christmas day once and after a while found out it was the bottom corner of the windscreen so pulled back the outer rubber trim then stuck some silicon inbetween rubber and windscreen and havent had a problem since (Y)
Thanks for your help guys.
I will by PU sealant and try to find sourse of leak. It seems to get to plastic clip that pollyp mentioned I will need to take off front wiper. I am not too shure how do I actually take them off?

Had anyone problems with backlight leaking? I've read on other makes forums that leaking back light cout be the cause of rear passenger floor becoming wet...
The rear N/S floor of my k11 was filling up with water according to what seemed like a whim. I eventually put some rag around the rear light and it got very wet. I took off the light, cleaned off the sealing compound with thinners and sealed it with silicone..........the problem has not appeared again since. The problem was difficult to spot as the water running forward along the channels of the boot floor pressing and somtimes filling up the spare wheel well too. I found it so frustrating but got there in the end.

My front passenger side also gets wet at times, but I know where to sort that one.

Good luck
The rear N/S floor of my k11 was filling up with water according to what seemed like a whim. I eventually put some rag around the rear light and it got very wet. I took off the light, cleaned off the sealing compound with thinners and sealed it with silicone..........the problem has not appeared again since. The problem was difficult to spot as the water running forward along the channels of the boot floor pressing and somtimes filling up the spare wheel well too. I found it so frustrating but got there in the end.
My front passenger side also gets wet at times, but I know where to sort that one.

Good luck

nice info thanks
Hi guys,

Thanks a lot for your tips. Can anyone advice how to take front wipers off? I think I will need to take them off to get to the clip that pollyp mentioned.
I remember having to replace back wiper and it was real pain to take it off. I even broken one on SY when tried to take it off...

Could knobbly69 or someone else let me know what is the best sealant to use to put backlight back? I've bought Tiger seal but read somwhere that it is not suitable for backlights as it wil be impossible to take it off later...
What is the best solven to remove original sealant from headlight? Any advice or link to guide on replacing backlights will be really appreciated...

It there a good sealant and solvent I could use for backlight job I can buy from Screwfix?
Will this solvent do? http://www.screwfix.com/prods/20534/Cleaning/Specialist-Cleaners/Contractors-Solvent-500ml

Thanks a lot!
i use a tongue&groove adjustable plier between the bottom of the wiper arm and tip of the stud to pull the wiper arm off
Thanks pollyp,

There is a plastic cover on the top of the wiper before I get to the locking nut. How do I take it off? Should I just pull it out or is there any lock?
Use silicone window sealent, do not use acrilic based as it dries too slowly and is a poor performance product all around. Clean the light and body throughly and check for cracks in the light body. Apply a 1/4" bead of sealent to the light and gently push the light into the body and tighten nuts a little by hand untill its just about in the correct position. Wait 12 hrs then gently tighten again with a spanner, but not too much so that all the seal is pushed out. Another 12hrs and it should be fully set and your problems over?????
Thanks a lot for your help and advice guys. I really feel I can actually get it done now :)

Hi knobbly69,

Would this sealant work? There no mention of acryl in it…
No Nonsense Roof & Gutter Sealant Black - Rubberised, permanent, weatherproof black seal. For repairing leaking gutters, down pipes and flashings, for bedding roof sheets and felts.

I tried to take off my front wipers yesterday. Oh man that is a tough job!
I had to buy ratchet and socket to unscrew nut first. I failed to remove wipers as they bonded really well.
I tried to take them off using adjustable pliers but couldn’t :(I’ve ordered Draper wiper remover from Ebay. http://www.drapertools.com/b2c/b2citmdsp.pgm?pp_skmno=71462&ipadd= Hoping to receive it this week and will have another go on Sunday.
Hi guys,

Gut to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you for helping me to sort out these leeks.
Special thanks go to pollyp. Man you’ve helped me a lot!

I have now managed to resolve front leaks to passenger carpet. It was a clip from pollyp photo and probably green clip that holds car front glass. I’ve taken them off put some sealant and put them back. Now it all sorted! My other half is really happy!

I also had problem with wet carpet behind diver seat. I could not see where water could be coming from. I traced it back to drain of the sunroof. I was getting wet roof on the side of the roof carpet and it was dripping on the floor! It seems that drain pipe got squashed and start leaking where it was connected to the end of the sunroof rail. I’ve put a clip to the rubber pipe to keep it wide open and had no leek so far...

I hope my experience will help someone…
Thanks for these posts, I had damp in my K11 and it got much worse than past few weeks (the seats were damp from the condensation every morning) and realised it was only the passenger floor. Yesterday evening (in the cold) I removed the scuttle panel cover and found the clip and surrounding area was pretty rusted. I pulled it out and sealed it back in with lots of silicone (and sealed along that part of the screen too, just in case it had rusted under the seal), hopefully it should fix it for a good while!

Hello all.

I'm hoping you can assist with a problem with my good lady's Micra.

It's a 2013 Micra Acenta 4 door auto, no sunroof..... and you guessed it, yesterday the rear left side passenger footwell carpet was soaking wet. She's had the car nearly 2 years and never had this issue.

Door seals etc are perfectly ok, so I'm wondering if the problem lies with the seals/clips under the windscreen wiper plastic housing panel ?

Any help appreciated.
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