Hi everyone
My wifes pao is suffering from an interior drip every time it rains resulting in the passenger foot well carpet from getting soaked.
The windscreen was the main suspect as there is a semi-circular blemish where the glass is delaminating from water damage as well as a kink in the outer rubber seal....
But since I've covered that area with tape the drip seems to have moved a few inches and is effectively no better.....
Looking up behind the foot well I can see a whole load of white sealant around the body work joins and a drip.... is this normal? (the sealant not the drip
I've attached a pic
So now I'm worried that the water is coming from somewhere other than the kinked windscreen seal and that the source of the leak is causing the windscreen damage and the drip...... I'm not really knowledgeable enough of the cars construction to work it out.
Unfortunately I'm also being told that the windscreen can't simply be taken out and refitted because its expected to break due to the weakened delaminated area. So a new windscreen is needed..... but obviously i don't want to do that if its seal is not the root cause....
Does anyone has any tips I could investigate?
My wifes pao is suffering from an interior drip every time it rains resulting in the passenger foot well carpet from getting soaked.
The windscreen was the main suspect as there is a semi-circular blemish where the glass is delaminating from water damage as well as a kink in the outer rubber seal....
But since I've covered that area with tape the drip seems to have moved a few inches and is effectively no better.....
Looking up behind the foot well I can see a whole load of white sealant around the body work joins and a drip.... is this normal? (the sealant not the drip
So now I'm worried that the water is coming from somewhere other than the kinked windscreen seal and that the source of the leak is causing the windscreen damage and the drip...... I'm not really knowledgeable enough of the cars construction to work it out.
Unfortunately I'm also being told that the windscreen can't simply be taken out and refitted because its expected to break due to the weakened delaminated area. So a new windscreen is needed..... but obviously i don't want to do that if its seal is not the root cause....
Does anyone has any tips I could investigate?