Radio keeps switching itself off .... help

Paul Smith

Site Supporter

My stereo is playing up, its a sony headunit if i put the facia on it has the power but as soon as you put the power on the stereo goes blank or dead. It occassionally flickas where the power is trying to come through. Its really annoying i replaced the stereo and its the same so it must be the car, any idea?


Is it a K11? If it is, there's no earth on the loom. It relies on the original HU being bolted into the frame. If it has a threaded hole in the back of the HU, try a wire with a loop on each end bolted to the chassis :).

Yep it is a K11, I'll give it a whirl and let you know how i get on. Its a Sony head unit that has never been bolted to the chassis, should it have been originally?


Hi Paul

My Headunit did the same sort of thing it would fliker and cut out at high volumes, it turned out for me the ground wire was faulty so I got some fuse wire attached it to the back of the headunit wrapped the other end round a screw and put the screw into the metal screw hole where the original radio screwed in.

I hope this helped mate(Y)
If you take your headunit out, there will be 2 screw holes on the left and on the right. Usually when people replace their HU they screw there earth wire into one of these. However when my earth was dodgey I screwed the new one into what looks like a metal box on the right hand side. (where the original screwed in)
Cool, I'll give that a go now. Did you attach it to any particular wire out the back of the head unit or bolt it to the back of the head unit?
I got a length of 13amp fusewire or something, There was like a small screw poking out the centre of the Headunit and I wrapped the fusewire around that and touched the other end against where I wanted to ground it to. (You will know if it is your problem because as soon as you touch the new ground wire to any metal the radio should work perfectly) When I was happy with the location I screwed the wire in.

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