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Photo's of Members K11's

just lowered :wasntme:










Looks great napster. I think you should colour code the door handles! :)

thank you Arnold !! appreciate the comment! (Y)

im very pleased with her so far lol....got other bits and pieces hopefully arriving soon

now the door handles have been something ive been pondering over for a while......i was going for a "black / green" theme (wheels, grill, handles black / car, sideskirts, splitters green).....however i havent decided. still in the OPEN MIND stage...so thanks for your input!!!!

like ive told you before yout K10 is awesome !!!

Get some spare handles to play around with, if you dont like the colour, respray them again - at least that way you'l still have handles on your car until your decided.. and thanks for your comment too! :)
Get some spare handles to play around with, if you dont like the colour, respray them again - at least that way you'l still have handles on your car until your decided.. and thanks for your comment too! :)

haahaa.....thats the only way i go about modifing and thats to get spares lol :) only cause i know im going to do a bad job to start with and the fact that, that part may need to be on the car....like you said about the handles, they need to be on the car

i was tempted to go scrapyard today.....to get another grill.....and i think you may have persuaded me to get handles too......so thanks mate. i will also see about other bits for more Projects

A few photos of the finished article. No stickers, no body kit........functional and clean :)


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Heres some pictures of my car, took me long enough lol!

still no colour code but still, it looks not bad!

taken at a dock yard car park in the dark so not the best quality photos either,

hope you guys like it


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i await my passenger ride Mr. D. Without doubt your K11 is the best in the club, the work thats gone into it just puts it above anything else
here are my micras :D yea thats plural ;)

got the sexy beast :D

the rusty 1.6

and the "SECRET PROJECT" muha :D


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look like hes going for the works wide arch kit. iam guessing he is going to be putting in a bigger engine by the looks of things. and iam also guessing its going to be for track use :p
very tidy lookin cars Nex,

rusty 1.6? looks pretty good in the photo lol!

whats the secret project about? give us a little hint :p

thanks :D the 1.6 is rusty on the bottom and in the engine bay ;) all hidden away but not from the MOT guys :(

;) secret lol

look like hes going for the works wide arch kit. iam guessing he is going to be putting in a bigger engine by the looks of things. and iam also guessing its going to be for track use :p

ooh close ;) it will be track ;) it will be a custom kit, possible ideas include 4x4, busa engine in the back, SC 1.4 in the front, 1.4 in the back... i dunno yet ;)
thanks :D the 1.6 is rusty on the bottom and in the engine bay ;) all hidden away but not from the MOT guys :(

;) secret lol

ooh close ;) it will be track ;) it will be a custom kit, possible ideas include 4x4, busa engine in the back, SC 1.4 in the front, 1.4 in the back... i dunno yet ;)

all of the above...:wow: :wow: :wow: :wow:
here is some new pics of my car, new rear lights arrived tues and fitted them today

side view


rear view


i think it suits my car really well and its much better than the standard ones that where on there before :D
Havent posted in a while...and not much has changed with my Micra!

Sill weld & new rear brake pipes later...it passed MOT! :D



Just removed bump strips and all that sticky ####e...no fingernails left on fingers :(




Cant really do anything to the Micra atm (cash flow problems) but I am waiting on my claim for a RTA to come through (2 years later...useless!) going to court May or June, so all being well, should have some funds then!

Plans are:

Lowered (on the tiles!)
15" Black Lenso RS5's
Fully colour coded white, with addition of boot spoiler, maybe black bonnet?
Sun strip & Window tinting

In the future...
Skirts, Front & Rear splitters
More ICE
Decat pipe


ps @ djlee - still got your old rims on lol, cheers matey!
hey mate

remember me ??? i sold you the wheels.

i just was looking at the car and showing my girlfriend the wheels (how mine started) .... then i caught on when i seen the name

who welded your sills. ?

and your plans are same as mine were ..... my old car is getting broken soon (wee bro owns it) , i will advertise on RMS for ya ;)
Aye mate! ####...RMS...now theres a site I havent been on in a while! What all tasty bits you have on it?? You showed me a pic way ages ago I think...Whens it gettin broke?? Some new garage in Lisburn called RoCo, fella was sound like, was only rear nearside that needed welded, he done a good job. Need to find a cheap sprayer...any suggestions??
Splitters...Skirts...Rear Clusters...Wind deflectors...interested in all of them...let me know when its being broke...il keep an eye out on RMS if I could be bothered going back on it lol, or you can email me @ [email protected]
Buy a bit of cheap sunstrip:


and cut it to shape.

Depending on what your bodywork skills are like, a more pro-looking version can be made by cutting some brows from 2-3mm sheet steel, make them both the same and exactly how you want them using a bench grinder, sand away the paint work on the bonnet around where the eyebrows will attatch, spot weld them to the bonnet (preferably from the underside), fill the back with fibre filler for added strength, fill the holes on the front with body filler, smooth, spray. If you've not tried anything like this I'd attempt it on a spare bonnet from the breakers yard as you can make it look amateurish if you don't take your time with the various steps.
you make the headlight brows with fibreglass masking them over your own headlights, once dry fill, sand, primer, spray and then lacquer :)


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Got a sunstrip, single wiper conversion, and took my alloys off 2 be refurbished, so painted steelies white n threw them on. sorry about the crap quality of pics!



Just got my new splitter on the other day along with front fogs and mesh in the bottom half of my front bumper, i have a few other things done from last time also but will need to get more picture's, so what think??


Just finished making my dash a nice blue :)

The LCD isn't red, But that's what the camera thinks it is o_O (it's still white)
some very very nice examples.......thought I had lost all my photos due to pc crash and format but hey 1 or 2 survived thanx to photobucket.........not the best but its geting there............


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Japseye, I have a big scratch down the side of my car where someone keyd it, Do you have a price for spraying the door and the rear arch and fuel cap?

Also possibly colour code the bumpers etc?

you cant you need to spray full side of car...wing door rear quarter if you dont then colour wont/never matches......plus its a lot easier as for colour coding bumbers they need to be removed preped with various primers then painted...........there is also your location where are you.....ect