one thing that bugs me about new forum is...



It feels very squashed in to me because of the menu on the left hand side. Is it not possible to make it a drop down menu like the other tabs at the top and so allowing the forum to spread right across the page?

Just my little input..

Have to agree, feels too loaded, too many options you don't need often, another drop down menu or have going along the top.

I know alot of us asked for a new site/forum but we're just trying to help
I feel the same too. Whether or not its just cos I'm not used to this one or not I dunno, but definetely prefer the old one. Sorry. :)
I cant reply to pm's (I get an error) and I've just tried posting a thread. It didnt seem to work, then its appeared twice, but you click on it and get another bug come up dammit!

WTF - grrrrr

It's 'new rims' in the k11 section.

I've got work now - hmm
Yes, this was the problem:

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/###/0            2.0G  1.9G     0 100% /
The server was full - so i've cleaned some of the stuff out :)
Have to agreem old forums were fine, nothing wrong with them at all - i feel sorry for the dial up users using this forum. Old forum just needed a little modernising
Amasing you lot can moan! The old forums were outdated and insecure. There was NOTHING that linked the site to the forum. Infact because of the old forum it made the site dead. So the new forum is now very much part of the site and the line between forum and site will become more blurred as the site develops. This would not have been possible with the old site.

Another change which is almost done is online membership. It will now become the main thing to join online where you will beable to access your official member profile online and check all is well. This will take the load of myself and kev and the system will begin to run by itself.

People dont like change, but this was needed, there is no way ever that we will go back to how it was, improvments will be made here to the layout etc as it becomes clear what is needed. It was not expected we would have to move to this server so suddenly - but thats life - so there will be problems, as you can see some are still evident.

I agree about the forum killing off the site and even though the forum is very different, but am alreay getting used to the setup!

Good work and am looking forward to online subsription
ed, if you look at i use ikonboard, i have done a fair amount of hacking with it though, the new forum is not as pleasing to the eye as the old one.
but im sure we will get used to it.
Just in case people are wondering what took it down: said:
Ok the problem is in the way the tags check for the "http://". The [img] tags checks for the "http://" when you posting a new topic but it doesnt check for it while your editing one. So it will allow you to insert malacious code while you editing a post.

author: Maxspeed

vendor status: they have been informed

Vulnerable versions: ikonboard 3.0.1
ikonboard 3.0.2
ikonboard 3.0.3(the version they use on their site)

Severity: Malicious users can steal session cookies, allowing administrative access to the admin panel

Proof of concept:

Make a new post, then "EDIT" the post and in the body of the post insert this code

[IMG]javascript: (1) && (document.cookie)[ /IMG]

an alert box should pop up displaying your cookies! [/quote]
Pretty good. like the quick reply thing. maybe the layout could be changed a bit. DAMN typed my name wrong, any way to change it?
yeah me thinks the forum links bit should be a drop down too also wouldnt it b kinda better in a sense if reputation shows actual figures too? ie +5, -2(5 positive, 2 negative) glad to also c that pm u dont need a certain number of posts to actually b able to post now